IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Configure the data collector to monitor application server instances using command line - WAS agent
Configure the data collector for each application server instance to monitor.
Do NOT configure the data collector to monitor an instance of WAS that hosts the Managing Server Visualization Engine. You can, however, use the data collector for monitoring any other WAS instances on the same node.
To configure the data collector to monitor a server instance:
- Run...
cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin
./itmcmd config -A yn
The itmcmd utility prompts you whether you want to change Agent configuration:
Agent configuration started... Edit "ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications" settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1):Enter 1, or press Enter to accept the default.
- The utility prompts you to select the configuration type:
Select Configuration Type : Choose the configuration type: Configuration type description: 1. Configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA) port number or Agent ID. If you modify the Tivoli Monitoring Agent port, all Application Servers with data collectors must be restarted to complete the reconfiguration. 2. Configure the data collector to monitor application server instances. You can also use this option to configure the data collector to connect to the Managing Server. The option requires that either the Application Servers are running (WAS Base Edition) or the Node Agent and Deployment Manager are running (WAS ND or XD). The Servers must be restarted to complete the configuration. 3. Use this option to unconfigure the data collector from Application Server instances. Remove all data collector configuration and runtime files for these instances. Requires that either the Application Servers are running (WAS Base Edition) or the Node Agent and Deployment Manager are running (WAS ND or XD). The Server instances must be restarted to complete the configuration. After the unconfiguration, your Application Server instances will no longer be monitored. 4. Reconfigure your data collectors to use a different Managing Server, change Managing Server information, or disable data collector communication to the Managing Server. The data collector must be already configured to monitor at least one application server instance. You will need to restart the application servers monitored by the data collector. 5. Upgrade ITCAM for WebSphere 6.1.x data collector to ITCAM 7.1; also to upgrade ITCAM for WAS 7.0.x data collector to ITCAM 7.1. Requires that either the Application Servers are running (WAS Base Edition) or the Node Agent and Deployment Manager are running (WAS ND or XD). The Servers must be restarted to complete the configuration. 6. Update data collectors with the new maintenance or reverting the update. Requires that either the Application Servers are running (WAS Base Edition) or the Node Agent and Deployment Manager are running (WAS ND or XD). The Servers must be restarted to complete the configuration. 7. Use this option to remove unused data collectors maintenance levels. Choose the configuration type: [ 1=Configure Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA), 2=Configure data collectors within Application Servers, 3=Unconfigure data collectors from Application Servers, 4=Enable/disable communication to Managing Server for deep-dive diagnostics, 5=Upgrade ITCAM for WebSphere 6.1.x or ITCAM for WebSphere 7.0.x data collector to ITCAM 7.1, 6=Change data collectors maintenance level, 7=Remove unused data collectors maintenance levels ] (default is: 1):
Type 2 and press Enter to configure the data collector to monitor application server instances.
- Optional. Configure the data collector to communicate with the managing server. (IBM Tivoli Monitoring is not affected by this setting).
Would you like to configure the data collector to communicate with the Managing Server? Note: If you deselect or change the data collector to communicate with another Managing Server, the old data collector entry and reporting data will be removed from Managing Server database. Collect Managing Server related information to configure the data collector to communicate with the Managing Server. Enable/disable communication to Managing Server for deep-dive diagnostics [ 1=true, 2=false ] (default is: 1): 1
To configure the data collector to communicate with the Managing Server, enter 1. Otherwise, enter 2 and go to Step 10.
If you choose not to configure communication with the Managing Server at this time, you can still configure the data collector to work with the Managing Server later.
The following message is displayed.
Managing Server Connection Information : The Managing Server will use this Fully Qualified Host Name for data collector(s) connection requests. Examples:, Fully Qualified Host Name (default is: ):
Enter the fully qualified host name of the Managing Server. If a split Managing Server installation is used, enter the name of the host where the Kernel is located.
- The configuration utility prompts you for the port number on which the Managing Server Kernel is listening:
The Managing Server will use this TCP socket port to listen for connection requests coming from the data collector(s). This port number is defined as the value of the key "PORT_KERNEL_CODEBASE01", in the file, located under the Managing Server Home directory. Input Codebase Port (default is: 9122):
If the port number was changed when the Managing Server was installed, enter the port number. Otherwise, accept the default by pressing Enter.
The following message can be displayed:
Configure data collector communication with the Managing Server? 1.Yes: Configure the data collector without validating the Managing Server information. The Managing Server can be down or not yet installed at this time. 2.No: Let the configuration tool validate Managing Server settings. [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 2):
If the Managing Server is offline, inaccessible on the network, or not yet installed, enter 1. Otherwise, enter 2.
- The configuration utility prompts you for the Managing Server home directory...
Managing Server Home: Enter the installation directory of the Managing Server. Examples: (Windows) C:\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\MS (UNIX) /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/MS Managing Server Home Directory (default is: ):
Enter the full path to the directory.
- If there are multiple IP address on this host, select the address that the data collector will use for communication with the Managing Server.
data collector IP Address : Select the IP Address for the data collector host if there are multiple IP addresses on this machine. Specify the RMI (and Controller RMI) Port Number if you need to control the ports used by the data collector. Make sure the ports are not blocked by a firewall or other applications. The default RMI Port Number range is 8200-8299, the Controller RMI Port Number range is 8300-8399. Select the IP Address for the data collector Host (default is: ):
Enter the data collector host name or IP address (for example,
- The configuration utility prompts you whether you want to change the RMI port numbers for the data collector.
If the data collector is behind a firewall or you have special requirements to change the RMI port numbers for the data collector, select "Yes", otherwise select "No" Specify the RMI Port Numbers [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 2):
If you need to change the ports that the data collector uses to accept incoming connections from the Managing Server (in case of split Managing Server installation, the Publish Server), enter 1; then, when prompted, enter the RMI and RMI Controller port ranges. Otherwise, press Enter to use the defaults. The default RMI port Number range is 8200-8299; the Controller RMI Port Number range is 8300-8399.
Make sure the RMI and RMI Controller ports are not being blocked by the firewall or other applications.
- The configuration utility prompts you whether you want to enable the Transaction Tracking API function.
TTAPI enables the integration of ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications and ITCAM for Transactions. With TTAPI, the data collector can send transaction information to ITCAM for Transactions; also, if ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server is used, transaction-specific information is available in the Visualization Engine. TTAPI also enables integration of the data collector with the Robotic Response Time component (or T6 agent).
Enable TTAPI: Integration with ITCAM for Transactions. IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions (ITCAM for Transactions) is an IBM Tivoli Monitoring based product that provides a unified, end-to-end transaction tracking solution for the IT Operations segment. It tracks transactions within and among applications. Through the Transaction Tracking API, ITCAM for WAS data collector (DC) can provide request and transaction data to ITCAM for Transactions and allow seamless integration between the ITCAM for WAS and ITCAM for Transactions products. Provide the host name and the port number of the ITCAM for Transaction Collector. Configure Transactions Integration [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 2): 1
To enable TTAPI, enter 1; then, when prompted, enter the fully qualified host name or IP address for ITCAM for Transaction Tracking agent and the port number that the data collector uses to connect to it. If you do not need to enable the TTAPI function, enter 2.
- The configuration utility prompts you to select the default or advanced configuration mode:
Choose Default or Custom configuration modes: Choose one of the configuration modes: [ 1=Default, 2=Custom ] (default is: 1):
If you need to modify Garbage Collection logging settings, increase the Maximum Heap size, or disable backing up the application server configuration, select 2. (In this case, the configuration utility will display additional prompts for these settings). Otherwise, Press Enter to use the default configuration mode.
- Select the type of application server to monitor.
Select WebSphere Type : Choose the type of application server to monitor: [ 1=WAS. 2=WebSphere Process Server. 3=WebSphere ESB Server. 4=WebSphere Portal Server ] (default is: 1):
Choose the application server type that monitor; or press Enter to choose the default application server type, WAS.
- The following message is displayed.
WebSphere Profile Configuration : No 'WebSphere Profile Configuration' settings available. Edit 'WebSphere Profile Configuration' settings. [1=Add, 2=Edit, 3=Del, 4=Next,5=Exit] (default is: 5):
Select 1 to add a WebSphere profile.
- You are prompted for the home directory of the WebSphere profile:
Input WebSphere Profile Home (default is: ):
Enter the full WebSphere profile home
For example...
- The configuration utility prompts you for the profile name.
Input the WebSphere profile name. Input WebSphere Profile Name (default is: AppSrv01):Enter the WebSphere profile name (for example, test).
- The configuration utility prompts you for the WebSphere server home directory:
The full path of the WebSphere home, for example, on Windows, C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer. on Linux/UNIX, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer. Input WebSphere Server Home (default is: ):Enter the full path of the WebSphere server home directory (for example, /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/WAS/base).
- The configuration utility prompts you for the full names of the WebSphere server instances to configure:
Input the full name(s) of WebSphere server instance(s) to configure. Multiple server instances should be separated by a comma. For example: cells/ITCAMCell/nodes/ITCAMNode/servers/server1, cells/ITCAMCell/nodes/ITCAMNode/servers/server2 Input Instance Name(s) (default is: ):Enter the full names of one or several WebSphere server instances. Separate multiple server instances with commas.
- The configuration utility prompts you for the server instance alias. By default, the alias is the same as the server instance name.
Aliases are used to identify server instances in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Aliases for multiple server instances should be separated by commas. This sequence should align with the sequence of WebSphere Server Instance Names. Input Server Instance Alias (default is: server1):This alias determines the name of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal node for this instance. Valid characters for the alias include A-z, a-z, 0-9, underbar (_), dash (-), and period (.); do not use other characters. Enter the alias, or press Enter to use the default.
- The configuration utility prompts you for the host name or IP address of the WebSphere administrative server.
The WebSphere administrative server fully qualified host name or IP address. Input Administrative Server Host name (default is: localhost):Enter the WebSphere administrative server fully qualified host name or IP address (for example,
- Select the WebSphere administrative server connection type.
The WebSphere administrative server connection type. Select the Server Connection Type [ 1=SOAP, 2=RMI ] (default is: 1):Enter 1 for a SOAP connection, or 2 for an RMI connection.
- The configuration utility prompts you for the server administrative port number.
The WebSphere administrative server SOAP or RMI connect port number. Input Server Administrative Port (default is: 8880):Enter the port number, or press Enter to accept the default.
- The configuration utility prompts you whether you want to use the user name and password stored in the client properties file, if WebSphere Global Security is enabled.
Do you want to use the user name and password stored in soap.client.props or sas.client.props of WebSphere? Use the user name and password stored in client properties? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 2):To use the user name and password stored in the properties file, enter 1. To enter the user name and password, enter 2; then, when prompted, enter the WebSphere administrative user name and password. If WebSphere Global Security is disabled, enter 2, and press Enter when prompted for the user name and password.
- The following message can be displayed.
If server instance is already configured, do you want to allow the re-configuration of the same server instance? Allow Re-configuration? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 2):If you are re-configuring a server instance that was already configured, enter 1. Otherwise, press Enter.
- The following message is displayed.
'WebSphere Profile Configuration' settings: Input WebSphere Profile Home=/opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/WAS/base/profiles/test Edit 'WebSphere Profile Configuration' settings. [1=Add, 2=Edit, 3=Del, 4=Next, 5=Exit] (default is: 5):To configure another WebSphere profile, enter 1 and go to Step 14. Otherwise, press Enter.
- In the next step, you can choose to create a response file to save your configuration settings. You can use the response file to perform a silent configuration with the same parameters.
The wizard can save your settings to a response file. A response file can be used to perform a silent configuration. Save Configuration Setting in a Response File [ 1=true, 2=false ] (default is: 2):To create a response file, enter 1, then enter the name of the file. Otherwise, enter 2, or press Enter to accept the default.
- The configuration utility prompts you whether this Agent connects to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):If the IBM Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure is used, enter 1. Otherwise (in a deep dive diagnostics only install), enter 2; in this case the configuration process will be completed.
- Press Enter repeatedly to accept the existing settings for the connection to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. Alternatively, you can change these settings; see Steps 7 to 14
Parent topic:
Configure the agent using command line