IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Failure to log on to the Managing Server
The following content provides some solutions to the problems you may encounter when logging on to the Managing Server.
Failure to log on to the Managing Server after it is installed on eWAS
The problem: Failure to log on to Managing Server after it is installed on eWAS.
The reason: The Managing Server cannot get the password when it is installed to the components of Tivoli Monitoring.
The solution: Perform the following steps:
- Before installing Managing Server, you are required to set a new password.
- For Windows: Open the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and select Actions > Advanced > TEPS/e Administration > TEPS/e Administration Password.
- For UNIX or Linux: Enter the username password command from the script directory.
- Restart Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
Error CYNVE0002E occurs when logging on to the Managing Server
The problem: During installation of the Managing Server, if you have entered an incorrect DB2 instance port number, you cannot log on to the Managing Server user interface successfully, and the following error message is returned:
CYNVE0002E A system error has occurred.The solution: Perform the following steps:
- Determine the correct port number. Take one of the following actions:
Determine correct port number on different systems
- Navigate to Start > All Programs > IBM DB2 > General Administration Tools > Control Center.
- In the left pane, right-click one of the available instances for the local system.
- Select Setup Communications.
- Click Properties to the right of the TCP/IP choice. The port number is listed on the window.
- Open the /etc/services file.
You must have permissions to open the file, which in many cases means that you have to be root.
- Look for the DB2 instance port number towards the bottom of the file. The relevant line of text is like the following line:
DB2_db2inst1 6000/tcpIn this example, db2inst1 is the name of the DB2 instance and 6000 is the port number for it.
- If indeed the port number was entered incorrectly during installation, perform the following steps:
- Change the DB2 port number in JDBC_DRIVER_URL in MS_home/bin/ to the correct port number.
- In the WAS administration console, change the DB2 port number entered in the JDBC setup for the Application Monitor JDBC resource to the correct port number.
Parent topic:
Installation and configuration