IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Take Action commands for ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications
The Take Action feature in Tivoli Enterprise Portal allows one to enter commands on any system in the network running Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents (TEMA).
Take Action commands include...
- Start, stop, or recycle appservers
- Set monitoring level on appservers
Users can invoke a Take Action command from...
- Workspace
- Navigator
- Situations
- On demand
- Recalling a saved Take Action command
The following take action commands are for internal use only and are not for use in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. The configuration workspaces use these take action commands to communicate internally with the monitoring agent.
- Configure
- ConfigureCancel
- ConfigurePing
- Add_XD_Cell
- Enable_Auto_Threshold
- Override_Auto_Threshold
- Remove_WebSphere_SubNode
- Set_Application_Monitoring
- Set_Completion_Thresholds
- Set_Request_Sampling_Rate
- Start_Baselining
- Start_GC_Monitoring
- Start_Request_Monitoring
- Start_Resource_Monitoring
- Start_WebSphere_Server
- Stop_Baselining
- Stop_GC_Monitoring
- Stop_Request_Monitoring
- Stop_Resource_Monitoring
- Stop_WebSphere_Server
- Update_Baseline
- Threshold calculation detail
Parent topic:
ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications