IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Topic Spaces attributes

The Topic Spaces attributes provide aggregated information about publish/subscribe messaging.

The attributes within this group are used to build the Destinations workspace.

For information about WebSphere PMI metrics, see WebSphere PMI Attribute Mapping.

Assured Persistent Local Subscription Hits

The cumulative total of subscriptions which have matched assured persistent publications. Format is positive integer.

Assured Persistent Messages Published

The number of Assured Persistent messages published. Format is positive integer.

Best Effort Non-persistent Local Subscription Hits

The cumulative total of subscriptions which have matched best effort non-persistent publications. Format is positive integer.

Best Effort Non-persistent Messages Published

The number of best effort non-persistent messages published. Format is positive integer.

Durable Local Subscription

The number of durable subscriptions. Format is positive integer.

Express Non-persistent Local Subscription Hits

The cumulative total of subscriptions which have matched express non-persistent publications. Format is positive integer.

Express Non-persistent Messages Published

The number of express non-persistent messages published. Format is positive integer.

Incomplete Publication

The number of publications not yet received by all current subscribers. If this number is unexpected, view the publication using the admin console to take any actions. Format is positive integer.

Instrumentation Level

The instrumentation level for the topic spaces. For WebSphere 6 or higher, the valid values are None, Basic, Extended, All, Custom. Blank if no instrumentation level is set.

Interval (sec)

The length (in seconds) of the sampling interval. Format is positive integer.

Local Oldest Publication

The longest time any publication has spent on this topic space. If this time is not what was expected, view the message using the admin console to decide what action needs to be taken. Format is positive integer.

Local Publisher

The number of local publishers to topics in this topic space. Format is positive integer.

Local Publisher Attaches

The number of times an attachment has been made to this topic space by local producers. The lifetime of this value is the lifetime of the messaging engine. Format is positive integer.

Messaging Engine Name

The name of the message engine. The value format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.

Node Name

The name of the system on which the server is running. The value format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.

Non-Durable Local Subscription

The number of non-durable subscriptions. Format is positive integer.

Origin Node

The name of the server subnode. Alphanumeric string. Maximum 128 characters.

Reliable Non-persistent Local Subscription Hits

The cumulative total of subscriptions which have matched reliable non-persistent publications. Format is positive integer.

Reliable Non-persistent Messages Published

The number of reliable non-persistent messages published. Format is positive integer.

Reliable Persistent Local Subscription Hits

The cumulative total of subscriptions which have matched reliable persistent publications. Format is positive integer.

Reliable Persistent Messages Published

The number of reliable persistent messages published. Format is positive integer.

Report Enabled Publication Expired

The number of report enabled incomplete publications that expired while on this topic space. Format is positive integer.

Sample Date and Time

The date and time the Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent collected the data. The valid format is a 12-character timestamp. For the STR and SCAN functions, the format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS; the following table shows the values contained in this character string:

Format of the 12-character timestamp

Character String Meaning
MM Month
DD Day
YY Year
HH Hour
MM Minute
SS Second

Example: 09/13/06 18:32:03 indicates the data was collected on September 13, 2006, at 18:32:03.

This attribute was designed for logging and reporting data-collection times rather than for creating situations. To specify a time and date for comparison and testing, use attributes from the Universal Time or Local Time groups.

Server Name

The name of the application server. Alphanumeric string.


Whether this row is a summary row of statistical totals for all rows. Valid values are No and Yes.

Topic Space Name

The name of the topic space. Alphanumeric string.

Total Local Subscription

The number of local subscriptions to topics in this topic space. Each subscription is ed once, even if the topic includes wildcards. Format is positive integer.

Total Local Subscription Hits

The cumulative total of subscriptions which have matched topic space publications. Format is positive integer.

Total Messages Published

The total number of publications to this topic space. Format is positive integer.

Additional information:

Parent topic:

Attributes for ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications


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