IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Define a Lock Analysis report
If you suspect that you have lock contention issues with a specific application, you can run a lock analysis report. This will give you the history of locking in the application and show whether there is a trend. The lock reports will show you the difference between the total locks and the ones that are contentious.
To define a Lock Analysis report:
- From the top navigation, click...
Performance Analysis > Create Application Reports > Lock Analysis
- Select yes or no to decide if you want the report to recur and click Next. For the purpose of these instructions we are selecting no. If you want further instructions on scheduling reports, refer to Define a Schedule report.
- Select the group and the server from the list box.
- Click Next to continue creating the report. The Report Filtering options page opens. It displays the options based on the Report Type you select.
- Set the following options to filter the records returned in the report:
- Metric
The item you want to measure: Number of Lock Acquisitions, Number of Lock Contentions and Total Acquisition Time.
- Request Type
All, EJB, JSP, Servlet, Web Service, and Portal.
- Request Name
Unless you know the exact request string, always leave the field blank to return all requests or type in the specific request name.
- Method/Component Trace
Leave the field blank to return all methods or type in the specific method name.
- Click Next to continue creating the report. The Date Range settings page opens.
- Set the parameters to restrict the data returned in your report. For detailed instructions, see Understanding the Date Range settings.
- Click View Report to view the report.
- Click Save if you want to save the report. For more information see View saved reports.
Parent topic:
Define reports
Related topics
Define a Schedule report
Understanding the Date Range settings
Define a Schedule report
E-mailing a report
Export a file
Modify a report
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