IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Request Analysis workspace

The workspace reports response times and functional decomposition information about requests (including servlets, JSPs, and EJB methods) that completed during the interval. A historical version of this workspace provides a long-term view of a single request that you select.

This workspace displays data provided by the Request Analysis attributes .

The predefined workspace contains the following items:

Access the Request Analysis workspace

To access this workspace, perform the following steps:

  1. Within the Navigator, expand Windows Systems, Linux Systems, UNIX Systems, as appropriate for the node you are monitoring.

  2. Within the node list, expand the entry that corresponds to your node's name.

  3. Within that node's list of monitored applications, expand the list of J2EE agents.

  4. Within the list of available agents, expand the J2EE application server of your choice.

  5. Within that server's list of available J2EE application server workspaces, select the Request Analysis entry.

Selected Request - History workspace

The Selected Request - History workspace displays the historical information that corresponds to the information in the Request Analysis workspace for a single request type that you select. Historical information is collected over a specific time span. See the online help for Tivoli Enterprise Portal for a detailed explanation of historical reporting.

Access the Selected Request - History workspace

To access this workspace from the Request Analysis workspace, use one of the following procedures:

Additional information:

Parent topic:

Workspaces for ITCAM Agent for J2EE


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