IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Glossary for ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers
Apache HTTP server An open-source Web server. IBM offers a Web server, called the IBM HTTP Server, which is based on Apache.
application server A program in a distributed network that provides the execution environment for an application program.
attribute Data associated with a component. For example, a Web server component might have attributes such as Web server name, WWW server status, node name, origin node, interval time, and so on.
attribute group A set of related attributes that can be combined in a view or a situation. For example, the Apache Web Server attribute group and the Sun Web Sites attribute group in the ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers.
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A suite of protocols for the Internet that transfer and display hypertext documents.
HTTP request A transaction initiated by a Web browser and adhering to HTTP. The server usually responds with HTML data, but can send other kinds of objects as well.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform The software architecture and foundation that support the development and operations of Tivoli Enterprise Portal and its Tivoli Enterprise Management Agents.
J2EE Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. An environment for developing and deploying enterprise applications using the Java language. The J2EE platform consists of a set of services, application programming interfaces (APIs), and protocols that provide the functions needed for developing multi-tiered, Web-based applications.
Java An object-oriented programming language for portable interpretive code that supports interaction among remote objects. Java was developed and specified by Sun Microsystems, Incorporated.
JSP Java server page. A Web page that specifies one or more servlets whose execution on the Web server modifies the page's content or appearance before it is presented to the user.
monitor 1) A transaction environment for maintaining large quantities of data in a consistent state and that controls which users and clients can access data through authorized servers. 2) A programming primitive created so multiple program threads can share the same resource (such as an object). A program creates a monitor for a given resource by requesting it from the system; the system returns a unique ID for that monitor. After that, any thread needing the resource must use the monitor to lock the resource while the thread is using it. If the monitor is already locked, a thread requesting the resource is queued by the system and then given control when the monitor becomes unlocked. Also called a mutex.
monitored application An application that interfaces with a Tivoli Privacy Manager monitor to enable access to monitored items that flow between the application and the monitored system.
node Any managed system, such as a Web servers, that the Tivoli Enterprise Portal is monitoring. A node can also be a managed system of subnodes being managed under a primary node.
request The entry point into an application whose processing or response time directly affects the response time the end user perceives.
server In a network, hardware or software that provides facilities to clients. Examples of a server are a file server, a printer server, or a mail server.
session A series of requests to a servlet that originate from the same user at the same browser. Sessions allow applications running in a Web container to keep track of individual users.
thread pool The threads that are being used by or are available to a computer program.
URI Uniform Resource Identifier. An identifier for a point of content on the Internet, be it a page of text, a video or sound clip, a still or animated image, or a program. The most common form of URI is the Web page address, which is a particular form of URI called a Universal Resource Locator (URL). A URI typically describes the mechanism used to access the resource, the computer that houses the resource, and the name of the resource (such as a file name) on that computer.
URL Universal Resource Locator. The unique address for a file accessible via the Internet. Such a file might be a Web page (usually the home page), an image file, or a program such as a Java applet or servlet. The URL comprises the protocol used to access the file, a domain name that identifies a specific computer on the Internet, and a pathname that specifies that file's location on that computer.
virtual server A server that shares its resources with other servers to support applications.
Web server A software program that is capable of servicing Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests.
Web service A self-contained, self-describing modular application that can be published, discovered, and invoked over a network using standard network protocols. Typically, XML is used to tag the data, SOAP is used to transfer the data, WSDL is used for describing the services available, and UDDI is used for listing what services are available.
Web site A related collection of files available on the Web that is managed by a single entity (an organization or an individual) and contains information in hypertext for its users. A Web site often includes hypertext links to other Web sites.
workspace A window comprised of one or more views. For example, the ASP Overview workspace and the Microsoft IIS Web Server workspace in the ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers.
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ITCAM Agent for HTTP Servers