IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Set up security
Set up optional security for ITCAM for Application Diagnostics is described in this chapter.
Because security for ITCAM for Application Diagnostics often involves integration of the various components, this chapter contains information pertaining to both Managing Servers and data collectors.
- Set up the user ID and password for the data collector with WAS Global Security enabled
Installing, configuring, and running the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics on z/OS data collector with Global Security turned on might require additional steps, depending on your security configuration.- Set up RACF access to FACILITY profile ERBSDS.MON2DATA
RACF access to FACILITY class profile ERBSDS.MON2DATA is required for z/OS data collectors to access SMF CPU and paging data if that profile has been defined to RACF. If RACF resource FACILITY class profile ERBSDS.MON2DATA has been defined, normally to protect access to RMF™ type 79 record data, ITCAM for Application Diagnostics will be unable to obtain SMF CPU and paging information when it invokes the RMF service ERBSMFI and does not have read access.- Node Authentication
- Secure Socket Layer communications
- Enable privacy filtering
The following procedures describe how to enable and verify privacy filtering. Privacy filtering is used to filter out SQL, cookie, and HTTP request query strings and other private data, for example drivers license numbers. When this property is set to true, this data is not collected by the data collector.- Java 2 security in the application server
- WAS 7.0 with Global Security enabled: enabling Administrative Security, Application Security, and the Java 2 Security
- Script to run if your SSL certificates have expired
Parent topic:
Managing Server Installation and Customization Guide