IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Install the Managing Server - UNIX
To install the Managing Server:
- If running the installation from a remote computer: enter xhost + hostname on the computer where you are sitting.
The hostname is the fully qualified host name of the computer on which the Managing Server is being installed.
- Log in as the root user on the computer on which the Managing Server is being installed.
- Export the DISPLAY variable. Choose one of the following options:
Exporting the DISPLAY variable
If running the installation from a remote computer Enter export DISPLAY=local_server:0.0Where local_server is the fully qualified host name of the computer where you are sitting.
If running the installation from the computer where the Managing Server is being installed Enter export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
- Export the LANG variable. Run the following command:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8- Complete one of the following options to start the installation:
- To open a window that invokes the installer, and gives access to prerequisite information, documentation, and support, use LaunchPad:
- Access LaunchPad. See Use the LaunchPad interface.
- Click the Install ITCAM button.
- If you prefer to directly invoke the installation without using LaunchPad or to auto-generate a response file for a silent installation, launch the executable file for your operating system from the directory that contains your installation image: setup_MS_platform.bin.
- If you are installing the Managing Server on HP-UX 11.11 from a Windows server using a Windows terminal emulation program, run the executable file from the directory that contains your installation image using the following command:
./setup_MS_platform.bin -is:javahome Java_homeJava_home specifies the home directory for the Java Virtual machine. For example, if you can find the Java executable file in /opt/java1.3/bin/java, Java_home is /opt/java1.3.
The first window that is displayed is the Select log path window. Enter a location to store log files and click OK:
If you are trying to launch the installation program on HP-UX directly from a CD, and the installation program does not start, retry by performing the following steps:
- Clean up the temporary directory for the InstallShield portion of the installation program. For HP-UX the default temporary directory for the InstallShield portion of the installation program is /var/tmp, so run the following commands:
rm -fr /var/tmp/ismp* rm -fr /var/tmp/istemp*- Specify the Java home when running the executable file to launch the installation program. For example, if the CD-ROM drive is /mnt/cdrom, run the following command:
./setup_MS_platform.bin -is:javahome /mnt/cdrom/java/jre
If the installation program detects your computer does not match the basic prerequisites for starting the installation, a failure window opens instead of the Welcome panel. Refer to the information in the window to correct the situation and restart the installation. For more details on prerequisites, see Prerequisites and pre-installation tasks for the Managing Server on UNIX and Linux
- The Welcome panel is displayed. Click Next.
- Click Next. The Review License Agreement panel is displayed.
- Select I accept both the IBM and the non-IBM terms and click Next.
The CD Install Selection is displayed.
- Complete one of the following options:
- If you are installing from an image located on your hard drive, select No and click Next.
- If you are installing directly from CD-ROM, select Yes so that the Managing Server installation image can be copied to a temporary directory on your hard disk clearing the CD-ROM drive for the rest of the required installation disks. These Managing Server installation images require at least 1 GB of space. In addition, either accept the default temporary directory or browse to a different directory. Then click Next.
The Analyze System for Prerequisites panel is displayed.
- Wait for the installation program to finish its analysis and then click Next.
The Choose Installation Type panel is displayed.
- Select Typical and click Next. The Choose Destination panel is displayed.
If you have an existing installation of IBM DB2 on the server, you cannot perform a Typical installation. See Road map for the Managing Server on UNIX and Linux for an overview of the alternatives to performing a Typical installation. (If you still want to perform a Typical installation, you will need to uninstall any existing IBM DB2 on your server and start over with the installation.
See Embedded IBM DB2 installation: uninstalling an existing IBM DB2 environment on the local server.)
- Click Next to accept the default installation directory path in the Directory Name field, or you can change this path by entering a different directory and then clicking Next.
- You cannot install the Managing Server in a directory path that contains non-English characters, for example:
- Traditional Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Spanish special characters
- German special characters
- Portuguese Brazilian special characters
- French special characters
- Italian special characters
- Cyrillic characters
- The directory that you specify must be empty.
- If you specify a directory that does not exist, the installation program creates the directory.
The Input System User Information panel is displayed.
- Enter the user name and password that you want for the following functions:
- Logging in to and using the Application Monitor (default user)
- Logging into and using the IBM WAS administrative console
Click Next. The DB2 Image Location panel is displayed. Note if there is an IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition 9.5 installation image in the default DB2 installation image folder: db2_image, the installer will automatically choose to install this image and as a result it will skip this panel.
This can be the same user that you used to log into this server to perform this installation (root). If it is different from the installation user, make sure that user has the necessary permissions. See Typical installation: creating the user for the product.
- Click Browse to indicate a location for the installation image. Thedb2setup file is usually located in the same directory as the db2 subdirectory.
The installer will install IBM DB2 in one of the following directories:
Location of IBM DB2 installation
Linux and UNIX (non-AIX) /opt/ibm/db2/V9.5 AIX, HP-UX or Solaris /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5
Click Next. The Websphere Application Server Image Location is displayed. Note if there is an IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 installation image in the default installation image folder: was_image/WAS, the installer will automatically choose to install this image and as a result it will skip this panel.
- Browse to select or install.bin under the /path/to/install and click Next.
The Generate Response File panel is displayed.
- To install the Managing Server on this computer, select Install the Managing Server on this computer.
You might not want to install the Managing Server on this computer if you are performing the installation procedure for the sole purpose of creating a response file for a subsequent silent installation.
If you want to create a response file for a subsequent silent installation, select Save the settings in a response file and enter the file path ending with a file name. For example:
/temp/response.optA response file is only generated if the GUI installation completes successfully.
- Click Next. The Review Installation Information panel is displayed.
- Read the summary information and click Install to accept it and begin the installation. While the installation is proceeding, the Install and Configure Files panel is displayed.
- The Install and Configure Files panel contains useful user tips.
The installer will install the Managing Server, IBM DB2, and IBM WAS.
- The progress bar might display as stuck at a certain position for a long time during the installation. This is expected. Allow the installation to continue.
- Depending on the performance of your server and operating system, installation might take longer than an hour.
When the installation finishes, the Review Installation Summary panel is displayed.
- Read the information in the panel and click Next.
The Finish panel is displayed.
- To perform post-installation tasks at this time (recommended), select both Launch the Managing Server and Launch the User Interface.
- Click Finish to exit.
You have completed installation of the Managing Server.
Parent topic:
Typical installation for the Managing Server on UNIX and Linux