IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Reference > Database views for Business Process Choreographer

TASK view

Use this predefined Business Process Choreographer database view for queries on task objects.

Columns in the TASK view
Column name Type Comments
TKIID ID The ID of the task instance.
ACTIVATED Timestamp The time when the task was activated.
APPLIC_DEFAULTS_ID ID The ID of the application component that specifies the defaults for the task.
APPLIC_NAME String The name of the enterprise application to which the task belongs.
ASSIGNMENT_TYPE Integer Specifies how the work for the task is assigned. Possible values are:


The task is assigned to one person only.


The task is assigned to several people who work on it simultaneously.
BUSINESS_RELEVANCE Boolean Specifies whether the task is business relevant. The attribute affects logging to the audit trail. Possible values are:


The task is business relevant and it is audited.


The task is not business relevant and it is not audited.
COMPLETED Timestamp The time when the task completed.
CONTAINMENT_CTX_ID ID The containment context for this task. This attribute determines the lifecycle of the task. When the containment context of a task is deleted, the task is also deleted.
CTX_AUTHORIZATION Integer Allows the task owner to access the task context. Possible values are:


No authorization rights for the associated context object.


Operations on the associated context object require reader authority, for example, reading the properties of a process instance.


String Inline custom properties that can be set for a task. The values of these fields can be set either in Integration Designer, or by using the Human Task Manager EJB API.
DUE Timestamp The time when the task is due.
EXPIRES Timestamp The date when the task expires.
FIRST_ACTIVATED Timestamp The time when the task was activated for the first time.
FOLLOW_ON_TKIID ID The ID of the instance of the follow-on task.
HIERARCHY_POSITION Integer Possible values are:


The top-level task in the task hierarchy.


The task is a subtask in the task hierarchy.


The task is a follow-on task in the task hierarchy.
INHERITED_AUTH Integer The kind of authorization that is inherited by a subtask from the parent task. Possible values are:


The authorization roles for the parent tasks are not inherited by the subtask.


The subtask inherits the administrators of the parent tasks.


The subtask inherits all of the authorization roles that are defined for the parent tasks.
IS_AD_HOC Boolean Indicates whether this task was created dynamically at run time or from a task template.
IS_CHILD Boolean Indicates whether this task is a child of a BPEL process.
IS_ESCALATED Boolean Indicates whether an escalation of this task has occurred.
IS_INLINE Boolean Indicates whether the task is an inline task in a BPEL process.
IS_READ Boolean Indicates that someone has read the task.
IS_TRANSFERRED_TO_WORK_BASKET Boolean Indicates that the task was transferred to the named work basket given in WORK_BASKET.
INVOKED_INSTANCE_ID ID The instance ID of the invoked service; usually a task or process or activity.
INVOKED_INSTANCE_TYPE Integer Possible values are:


States that the task did not invoke a service.


States that the task invoked a process.


States that the task invoked an activity in a BPEL process.


States that task invoked a stand-alone task.


States that the task invoked an activity in an event handler or an activity. The activity is not yet ready to receive the event.
IS_WAIT_FOR_SUB_TK Boolean Indicates whether the parent task is waiting for a subtask to reach an end state.
KIND Integer The kind of task. Possible values are:


States that the task is a collaboration task that is created and processed by a human.


States that the task is an invocation task that supports person-to-computer interactions, which enables people to create, initiate, and start services.


States that the task is a to-do task that supports computer-to-person interactions, which enable a person to implement a service.


States that the task is an administration task.
LAST_MODIFIED Timestamp The time when the task was last modified.
LAST_STATE_CHANGE Timestamp The time when the state of the task was last modified.
NAME String The name of the task.
NAME_SPACE String The namespace used to categorize the task.
ORIGINATOR String The principal ID of the task originator.
OWNER String The principal ID of the task owner.
PARENT_CONTEXT_ID String The parent context for this task. This attribute provides a key to the corresponding context in the calling application component. The parent context is set by the application component that creates the task.
PRIORITY Integer The priority of the task.
RESUMES Timestamp The time when the task is to be resumed automatically.
STARTED Timestamp The time when the task was started (STATE_RUNNING, STATE_CLAIMED).
STARTER String The principal ID of the task starter.
STATE Integer The state of the task. Possible values are:


States that the task is ready to be claimed.


States that the task is started and running.


States that the task finished successfully.


States that the task did not finish successfully.


States that the task has been terminated because of an external or internal request.


States that the task is claimed.


States that the task ended because it exceeded its specified duration.


States that task completed with a follow-on task.
SUPPORT_AUTOCLAIM Boolean Indicates whether this task is claimed automatically if it is assigned to a single user.
SUPPORT_CLAIM_SUSP Boolean Indicates whether this task can be claimed if it is suspended.
SUPPORT_DELEGATION Boolean Indicates whether this task supports work delegation through creating, deleting, or transferring work items.
SUPPORT_FOLLOW_ON Boolean Indicates whether this task supports the creation of follow-on tasks.
SUPPORT_SUB_TASK Boolean Indicates whether this task supports the creation of subtasks.
SUSPENDED Boolean Indicates whether the task is suspended.
TKTID ID The task template ID.
TOP_TKIID ID The top parent task instance ID if this is a subtask.
TYPE String The type used to categorize the task.
WORK_BASKET String The name of the work basket that this task belongs to.

Database views for Business Process Choreographer

Related information:
Task instances