IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Troubleshooting and support > Tools for troubleshooting your applications > Work with failed events

Finding failed events

Use the failed event manager to help you search for failed events on all of the servers within the cell. You can search for all failed events, or for a specific subset of events.

One method of finding failed events is to click Get all failed events on the failed event manager main page; this action returns a list of all SCA and Java™ Message Service (JMS) failed events on the server. If Business Process Choreographer is installed, the query also returns failed, terminated, and stopped Business Process Choreographer events. You can use this search option when you have only a few failed events on the system, or when it is not necessary or possible to narrow the search results by criteria.

When you have a large number of failed events on the system, or when you want to examine only those events associated with a particular set of criteria, use a criteria-based search. The failed event manager supports searching based on the module, component, method, time period, session, qualifier, or exception associated with the failed event. Refer to the following table for more information about how and when to use the different criteria.


Search criteria
Search criteria Field or fields to use Supported event types Usage notes
The module, component, or method the event was en route to when it failed. Module





WebSphere MQ

Business Process Choreographer

Business Flow Manager hold queue

Use one or more of these fields to search for failed events associated with a specific module, component, or method.
The time period during which the event failed From date

To date



WebSphere MQ

Business Process Choreographer

Business Flow Manager hold queue

Formats for date and time are locale-specific. An example is provided with each field. If the value you provide is not formatted correctly, the failed event manager displays a warning and substitutes the default value for that field.

The time is always local to the server. It is not updated to reflect the local time of the individual workstations running the administrative console.

The session in which the event failed Session ID SCA None
The module or component from which the event originated Source module

Source component

SCA Use one or both of these fields to find only those failed events that originated from a specific source module or component. The failed event manager determines the source based on the point of failure, regardless of interaction type.
The type of business object in the failed event Business object type SCA None
Whether the event had the event sequencing qualifier specified Event sequencing qualifier SCA None
Whether the event caused the store to be started Store and forward qualifier SCA

Business Process Choreographer

Whether the event was caused because a failure response could not be sent to Business Process Choreographer Process response qualifier SCA None
The exception thrown when the event failed Exception text SCA Specify all or part of the exception text in the field to find all events associated with that exception.

For more information about searching for failed events, see the online help available in the failed event manager.

Finding business process instances or Common Base Events related to a failed event

If a failed event is generated from a business process, the failed event manager provides a link to view that business process instance in Business Process Choreographer Explorer. In addition, a failed event can be related to one or more Common Base Events; in this case, the failed event manager has a link to those related events. A common session ID links the failed event with related business process instances or Common Base Events. Examining these related process instances or events can give you additional information about how or why the event failed.

Work with failed events in IBM BPM

Related tasks:
Troubleshooting Service Component Architecture and WebSphere MQ communications