Interface DependencyAnalyzer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractAnalyzer, AncestorAnalyzer, AntAnalyzer, FullAnalyzer

    public interface DependencyAnalyzer
    A dependency analyzer analyzes dependencies between Java classes to determine the minimal set of classes which are required by a set of "root" classes. Different implementations of this interface can use different strategies and libraries to determine the required set. For example, some analyzers will use class files while others might use source files. Analyzer specific configuration is catered for through a generic configure method
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void addClassPath(Path classpath)
      Add a classpath to the classpath being used by the analyzer.
      void addRootClass(java.lang.String classname)
      Add a root class.
      void addSourcePath(Path sourcePath)
      Add a source path to the source path used by this analyzer.
      void config(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object info)
      Configure an aspect of the analyzer. getClassContainer(java.lang.String classname)
      Get the file that contains the class definition
      java.util.Enumeration<java.lang.String> getClassDependencies()
      Get the list of classes upon which root classes depend.
      java.util.Enumeration<> getFileDependencies()
      Get the list of files in the file system upon which the root classes depend. getSourceContainer(java.lang.String classname)
      Get the file that contains the class source.
      void reset()
      Reset the dependency list.
      void setClosure(boolean closure)
      Set the closure flag.
    • Method Detail

      • addSourcePath

        void addSourcePath(Path sourcePath)
        Add a source path to the source path used by this analyzer. The elements in the given path contain the source files for the classes being analyzed. Not all analyzers will use this information.
        sourcePath - The Path instance specifying the source path elements.
      • addClassPath

        void addClassPath(Path classpath)
        Add a classpath to the classpath being used by the analyzer. The classpath contains the binary classfiles for the classes being analyzed The elements may either be the directories or jar files.Not all analyzers will use this information.
        classpath - the Path instance specifying the classpath elements
      • addRootClass

        void addRootClass(java.lang.String classname)
        Add a root class. The root classes are used to drive the determination of dependency information. The analyzer will start at the root classes and add dependencies from there.
        classname - the name of the class in Java dot notation.
      • getFileDependencies

        java.util.Enumeration<> getFileDependencies()
        Get the list of files in the file system upon which the root classes depend. The files will be either the classfiles or jar files upon which the root classes depend.
        an enumeration of File instances.
      • getClassDependencies

        java.util.Enumeration<java.lang.String> getClassDependencies()
        Get the list of classes upon which root classes depend. This is a list of Java classnames in dot notation.
        an enumeration of Strings, each being the name of a Java class in dot notation.
      • reset

        void reset()
        Reset the dependency list. This will reset the determined dependencies and the also list of root classes.
      • config

        void config(java.lang.String name,
                    java.lang.Object info)
        Configure an aspect of the analyzer. The set of aspects that are supported is specific to each analyzer instance.
        name - the name of the aspect being configured
        info - the configuration information.
      • setClosure

        void setClosure(boolean closure)
        Set the closure flag. If this flag is true the analyzer will traverse all class relationships until it has collected the entire set of direct and indirect dependencies
        closure - true if dependencies should be traversed to determine indirect dependencies.
      • getClassContainer getClassContainer(java.lang.String classname)
        Get the file that contains the class definition
        classname - the name of the required class
        the file instance, zip or class, containing the class or null if the class could not be found.
        Throws: - if the files in the classpath cannot be read.
      • getSourceContainer getSourceContainer(java.lang.String classname)
        Get the file that contains the class source.
        classname - the name of the required class
        the file instance, zip or java, containing the source or null if the source for the class could not be found.
        Throws: - if the files in the sourcepath cannot be read.