Class SSHSession

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, LogListener

    public class SSHSession
    extends SSHBase
    Establishes an ssh session with a remote machine, optionally establishing port forwarding, then executes any nested task(s) before closing the session.
    Ant 1.8.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • SSHSession

        public SSHSession()
    • Method Detail

      • addTask

        public void addTask(Task nestedTask)
        Add a nested task to Sequential.
        nestedTask - Nested task to execute sequentially
      • setTimeout

        public void setTimeout(long timeout)
        The connection can be dropped after a specified number of milliseconds. This is sometimes useful when a connection may be flaky. Default is 0, which means "wait forever".
        timeout - The new timeout value in seconds
      • setLocaltunnels

        public void setLocaltunnels(java.lang.String tunnels)
        Changes the comma-delimited list of local tunnels to establish on the connection.
        tunnels - a comma-delimited list of lport:rhost:rport tunnel specifications
      • setRemotetunnels

        public void setRemotetunnels(java.lang.String tunnels)
        Changes the comma-delimited list of remote tunnels to establish on the connection.
        tunnels - a comma-delimited list of rport:lhost:lport tunnel specifications
      • execute

        public void execute()
                     throws BuildException
        Establish the ssh session and execute all nestedTasks
        execute in class Task
        BuildException - if one of the nested tasks fails, or network error or bad parameter.
      • createSequential

        public SSHSession.NestedSequential createSequential()
        This is the sequential nested element of the macrodef.
        a sequential element to be configured.