Class FTP.FTPDirectoryScanner.AntFTPFile

  • java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      AntFTPFile(FTP.FTPDirectoryScanner.AntFTPFile parent, java.lang.String path)
      other constructor
      AntFTPFile( client, ftpFile, java.lang.String curpwd)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      boolean exists()
      find out if the file exists
      java.lang.String getAbsolutePath()
      find out the absolute path of the file
      protected getClient()
      return the attached FTP client object.
      java.lang.String getCurpwd()
      returns the path of the directory containing the AntFTPFile.
      java.lang.String getCurpwdPlusFileSep()
      returns the path of the directory containing the AntFTPFile.
      java.lang.String getFastRelativePath()
      find out the relative path assuming that the path used to construct this AntFTPFile was spelled properly with regards to case. getFile([] theFiles, java.lang.String lastpathelement)
      find a file matching a string in an array of FTPFile.
      java.lang.String getLink()
      if the file is a symbolic link, find out to what it is pointing
      java.lang.String getName()
      get the name of the file
      java.lang.String getRelativePath()
      find out the relative path to the rootPath of the enclosing scanner.
      boolean isDirectory()
      tell if a file is a directory.
      boolean isSymbolicLink()
      tell if a file is a symbolic link
      boolean isTraverseSymlinks()
      find out if a symbolic link is encountered in the relative path of this file from rootPath.
      protected void setCurpwd(java.lang.String curpwd)
      sets the current path of an AntFTPFile
      java.lang.String toString()
      Get a string rep of this object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AntFTPFile

        public AntFTPFile( client,
                          java.lang.String curpwd)
        client - ftp client variable
        ftpFile - the file
        curpwd - absolute remote path where the file is found
      • AntFTPFile

        public AntFTPFile(FTP.FTPDirectoryScanner.AntFTPFile parent,
                          java.lang.String path)
        other constructor
        parent - the parent file
        path - a relative path to the parent file
    • Method Detail

      • exists

        public boolean exists()
        find out if the file exists
        true if the file exists
      • getLink

        public java.lang.String getLink()
        if the file is a symbolic link, find out to what it is pointing
        the target of the symbolic link
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        get the name of the file
        the name of the file
      • getAbsolutePath

        public java.lang.String getAbsolutePath()
        find out the absolute path of the file
        absolute path as string
      • getFastRelativePath

        public java.lang.String getFastRelativePath()
        find out the relative path assuming that the path used to construct this AntFTPFile was spelled properly with regards to case. This is OK on a case sensitive system such as UNIX
        relative path
      • getRelativePath

        public java.lang.String getRelativePath()
        find out the relative path to the rootPath of the enclosing scanner. this relative path is spelled exactly like on disk, for instance if the AntFTPFile has been instantiated as ALPHA, but the file is really called alpha, this method will return alpha. If a symbolic link is encountered, it is followed, but the name of the link rather than the name of the target is returned. (ie does not behave like File.getCanonicalPath())
        relative path, separated by remoteFileSep
        Throws: - if a change directory fails, ...
        BuildException - if one of the components of the relative path cannot be found.
      • getFile

        public getFile([] theFiles,
                                                          java.lang.String lastpathelement)
        find a file matching a string in an array of FTPFile. This method will find "alpha" when requested for "ALPHA" if and only if the caseSensitive attribute is set to false. When caseSensitive is set to true, only the exact match is returned.
        theFiles - array of files
        lastpathelement - the file name being sought
        null if the file cannot be found, otherwise return the matching file.
      • isDirectory

        public boolean isDirectory()
        tell if a file is a directory. note that it will return false for symbolic links pointing to directories.
        true for directories
      • isSymbolicLink

        public boolean isSymbolicLink()
        tell if a file is a symbolic link
        true for symbolic links
      • getClient

        protected getClient()
        return the attached FTP client object. Warning : this instance is really shared with the enclosing class.
        FTP client
      • setCurpwd

        protected void setCurpwd(java.lang.String curpwd)
        sets the current path of an AntFTPFile
        curpwd - the current path one wants to set
      • getCurpwd

        public java.lang.String getCurpwd()
        returns the path of the directory containing the AntFTPFile. of the full path of the file itself in case of AntFTPRootFile
        parent directory of the AntFTPFile
      • getCurpwdPlusFileSep

        public java.lang.String getCurpwdPlusFileSep()
        returns the path of the directory containing the AntFTPFile. of the full path of the file itself in case of AntFTPRootFile and appends the remote file separator if necessary.
        parent directory of the AntFTPFile
        Ant 1.8.2
      • isTraverseSymlinks

        public boolean isTraverseSymlinks()
        find out if a symbolic link is encountered in the relative path of this file from rootPath.
        true if a symbolic link is encountered in the relative path.
        Throws: - if one of the change directory or directory listing operations fails
        BuildException - if a path component in the relative path cannot be found.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Get a string rep of this object.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a string containing the pwd and the file.