AggregateTransformer |
Transform a JUnit xml report.
AggregateTransformer.Format |
defines acceptable formats.
BaseTest |
Baseclass for BatchTest and JUnitTest.
BatchTest |
Create then run JUnitTest 's based on the list of files
given by the fileset attribute.
BriefJUnitResultFormatter |
Prints plain text output of the test to a specified Writer.
Constants |
Constants, like filenames shared between various classes in this package.
CustomJUnit4TestAdapterCache |
Provides a custom implementation of the notifier for a JUnit4TestAdapter
so that skipped and ignored tests can be reported to the existing
DOMUtil |
Some utilities that might be useful when manipulating DOM trees.
DOMUtil.NodeListImpl |
custom implementation of a nodelist
Enumerations |
A couple of methods related to enumerations that might be useful.
FailureRecorder |
Collects all failing test cases and creates a new JUnit test class containing
a suite() method which calls these failed tests.
FailureRecorder.TestInfos |
TestInfos holds information about a given test for later use.
FormatterElement |
A wrapper for the implementations of JUnitResultFormatter .
FormatterElement.TypeAttribute |
Enumerated attribute with the values "plain", "xml", "brief" and "failure".
IgnoredTestResult |
Records ignored and skipped tests reported as part of the execution of
JUnit 4 tests.
JUnit4TestMethodAdapter |
Adapter between JUnit 3.8.x API and JUnit 4.x API for execution of tests
and listening of events (test start, test finish, test failure, test skipped).
JUnitTask |
Runs JUnit tests.
JUnitTask.ForkMode |
These are the different forking options
JUnitTask.JUnitLogOutputStream |
A stream handler for handling the junit task.
JUnitTask.JUnitLogStreamHandler |
A log stream handler for junit.
JUnitTask.SummaryAttribute |
Print summary enumeration values.
JUnitTask.TestResultHolder |
A value class that contains the result of a test.
JUnitTaskMirrorImpl |
Implementation of the part of the junit task which can directly refer to junit.* classes.
JUnitTest |
Run a single JUnit test.
JUnitTestRunner |
Simple Testrunner for JUnit that runs all tests of a testsuite.
JUnitVersionHelper |
Work around for some changes to the public JUnit API between
different JUnit releases.
OutErrSummaryJUnitResultFormatter |
Used instead of SummaryJUnitResultFormatter in forked tests if
withOutAndErr is requested.
PlainJUnitResultFormatter |
Prints plain text output of the test to a specified Writer.
SummaryJUnitResultFormatter |
Prints short summary output of the test to Ant's logging system.
TearDownOnVmCrash |
Formatter that doesn't create any output but tries to invoke the
tearDown method on a testcase if that test was forked and caused a
timeout or VM crash.
TestIgnored |
TestListenerWrapper |
XMLJUnitResultFormatter |
Prints XML output of the test to a specified Writer.
XMLResultAggregator |
Aggregates all <junit> XML formatter testsuite data under
a specific directory and transforms the results via XSLT.