Class WebLogicHotDeploymentTool

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WebLogicHotDeploymentTool
    extends AbstractHotDeploymentTool
    implements HotDeploymentTool
    An Ant wrapper task for the weblogic.deploy tool. This is used to hot-deploy J2EE applications to a running WebLogic server. This is not the same as creating the application archive. This task assumes the archive (EAR, JAR, or WAR) file has been assembled and is supplied as the "source" attribute.

    In the end, this task assembles the commandline parameters and runs the weblogic.deploy tool in a separate JVM.

    See Also:
    HotDeploymentTool, AbstractHotDeploymentTool, ServerDeploy
    • Constructor Detail

      • WebLogicHotDeploymentTool

        public WebLogicHotDeploymentTool()
    • Method Detail

      • getArguments

        public java.lang.String getArguments()
                                      throws BuildException
        Builds the arguments to pass to weblogic.deploy according to the supplied action.
        A String containing the arguments for the weblogic.deploy tool.
        BuildException - if there is an error.
      • isActionValid

        protected boolean isActionValid()
        Determines if the action supplied is valid.

        Valid actions are contained in the static array VALID_ACTIONS

        Specified by:
        isActionValid in class AbstractHotDeploymentTool
        true if the action attribute is valid, false if not.
      • buildArgsPrefix

        protected java.lang.StringBuffer buildArgsPrefix()
        Builds the prefix arguments to pass to weblogic.deploy. These arguments are generic across all actions.
        A StringBuffer containing the prefix arguments. The action-specific build methods will append to this StringBuffer.
      • buildDeployArgs

        protected java.lang.String buildDeployArgs()
        Builds the arguments to pass to weblogic.deploy for deployment actions ("deploy" and "update").
        A String containing the full argument string for weblogic.deploy.
      • buildUndeployArgs

        protected java.lang.String buildUndeployArgs()
        Builds the arguments to pass to weblogic.deploy for undeployment actions ("undeploy" and "delete").
        A String containing the full argument string for weblogic.deploy.
      • buildListArgs

        protected java.lang.String buildListArgs()
        Builds the arguments to pass to weblogic.deploy for the list action
        A String containing the full argument string for weblogic.deploy.
      • setDebug

        public void setDebug(boolean debug)
        If set to true, additional information will be printed during the deployment process; optional.
        debug - A boolean representing weblogic.deploy "-debug" flag.
      • setApplication

        public void setApplication(java.lang.String application)
        The name of the application being deployed; required.
        application - A String representing the application portion of the weblogic.deploy command line.
      • setComponent

        public void setComponent(java.lang.String component)
        the component string for the deployment targets; optional. It is in the form <component>:<target1>,<target2>... Where component is the archive name (minus the .jar, .ear, .war extension). Targets are the servers where the components will be deployed
        component - A String representing the value of the "-component" argument of the weblogic.deploy command line argument.