Class GenericHotDeploymentTool

    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericHotDeploymentTool

        public GenericHotDeploymentTool()
    • Method Detail

      • createArg

        public Commandline.Argument createArg()
        Add a nested argument element to hand to the deployment tool; optional.
        A Commandline.Argument object representing the command line argument being passed when the deployment tool is run. IE: "-user=mark", "-password=venture"...
      • createJvmarg

        public Commandline.Argument createJvmarg()
        Add a nested argument element to hand to the JVM running the deployment tool. Creates a nested arg element.
        A Commandline.Argument object representing the JVM command line argument being passed when the deployment tool is run. IE: "-ms64m", "-mx128m"...
      • isActionValid

        protected boolean isActionValid()
        Determines if the "action" attribute defines a valid action.

        Subclasses should determine if the action passed in is supported by the vendor's deployment tool. For this generic implementation, the only valid action is "deploy"

        Specified by:
        isActionValid in class AbstractHotDeploymentTool
        true if the "action" attribute is valid, false if not.
      • setClassName

        public void setClassName(java.lang.String className)
        The name of the class to execute to perform deployment; required. Example: ""
        className - The fully qualified class name of the class to perform deployment.
      • getJava

        public Java getJava()
        get the java attribute.
        the java attribute.
      • getClassName

        public java.lang.String getClassName()
        Get the classname attribute.
        the classname value.