- java.lang.Object
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- java.lang.Cloneable
public class Move extends CopyMoves a file or directory to a new file or directory. By default, the destination file is overwritten if it already exists. When overwrite is turned off, then files are only moved if the source file is newer than the destination file, or when the destination file does not exist.Source files and directories are only deleted when the file or directory has been copied to the destination successfully. Filtering also works.
This implementation is based on Arnout Kuiper's initial design document, the following mailing list discussions, and the copyfile/copydir tasks.
- Since:
- Ant 1.2
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
completeDirMap, destDir, destFile, dirCopyMap, failonerror, file, fileCopyMap, filesets, fileUtils, filtering, flatten, forceOverwrite, includeEmpty, mapperElement, preserveLastModified, rcs, verbosity
Fields inherited from class
description, location, project
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor and Description Move()
Constructor of object.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method and Description protected void
deleteDir( d)
Go and delete the directory tree.protected void
deleteDir( d, boolean deleteFiles)
Go and delete the directory tree.protected void
Override copy's doFileOperations to move the files instead of copying them.protected boolean
okToDelete( d)
Its only ok to delete a directory tree if there are no files in it.protected boolean
renameFile( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite)
Attempts to rename a file from a source to a destination.void
setPerformGcOnFailedDelete(boolean b)
Whether to perform a garbage collection before retrying a failed delete.protected void
Ensure we have a consistent and legal set of attributes, and set any internal flags necessary based on different combinations of attributes.
Methods inherited from class
add, add, addFileset, buildMap, buildMap, createFilterChain, createFilterSet, createMapper, doResourceOperations, execute, getEncoding, getFileUtils, getFilterChains, getFilterSets, getForce, getOutputEncoding, getPreserveLastModified, isEnableMultipleMapping, scan, scan, setEnableMultipleMappings, setEncoding, setFailOnError, setFile, setFiltering, setFlatten, setForce, setGranularity, setIncludeEmptyDirs, setOutputEncoding, setOverwrite, setPreserveLastModified, setPreserveLastModified, setQuiet, setTodir, setTofile, setVerbose, supportsNonFileResources
Methods inherited from class
bindToOwner, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, getTaskType, getWrapper, handleErrorFlush, handleErrorOutput, handleFlush, handleInput, handleOutput, init, isInvalid, log, log, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, reconfigure, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName, setTaskType
Methods inherited from class
clone, getDescription, getLocation, getProject, setDescription, setLocation, setProject
Constructor Detail
public Move()Constructor of object. This sets the forceOverwrite attribute of the Copy parent class to true.
Method Detail
public void setPerformGcOnFailedDelete(boolean b)Whether to perform a garbage collection before retrying a failed delete.This may be required on Windows (where it is set to true by default) but also on other operating systems, for example when deleting directories from an NFS share.
- Parameters:
- boolean- Since:
- Ant 1.8.3
protected void validateAttributes() throws BuildExceptionEnsure we have a consistent and legal set of attributes, and set any internal flags necessary based on different combinations of attributes..
- Overrides:
in classCopy
- Throws:
- if an error occurs.
protected void doFileOperations()Override copy's doFileOperations to move the files instead of copying them.
- Overrides:
in classCopy
protected boolean okToDelete( d)Its only ok to delete a directory tree if there are no files in it.
- Parameters:
- the directory to check- Returns:
- true if a deletion can go ahead
protected void deleteDir( d)Go and delete the directory tree.
- Parameters:
- the directory to delete
protected void deleteDir( d, boolean deleteFiles)Go and delete the directory tree.
- Parameters:
- the directory to deletedeleteFiles
- whether to delete files
protected boolean renameFile( sourceFile, destFile, boolean filtering, boolean overwrite) throws, BuildExceptionAttempts to rename a file from a source to a destination. If overwrite is set to true, this method overwrites existing file even if the destination file is newer. Otherwise, the source file is renamed only if the destination file is older than it. Method then checks if token filtering is used. If it is, this method returns false assuming it is the responsibility to the copyFile method.
- Parameters:
- the file to renamedestFile
- the destination filefiltering
- if true, filtering is in operation, file will be copied/deleted instead of renamedoverwrite
- if true force overwrite even if destination file is newer than source file- Returns:
- true if the file was renamed
- Throws:
- if an error occursBuildException
- if an error occurs