Class DefaultLogger

  • java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      protected boolean emacsMode
      Whether or not to use emacs-style output
      protected err
      PrintStream to write error messages to
      static int LEFT_COLUMN_SIZE
      Size of left-hand column for right-justified task name.
      protected static java.lang.String lSep
      Line separator
      protected int msgOutputLevel
      Lowest level of message to write out
      protected out
      PrintStream to write non-error messages to
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Sole constructor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void buildFinished(BuildEvent event)
      Prints whether the build succeeded or failed, any errors the occurred during the build, and how long the build took.
      void buildStarted(BuildEvent event)
      Responds to a build being started by just remembering the current time.
      protected java.lang.String extractProjectName(BuildEvent event)
      Get the project name or null
      protected static java.lang.String formatTime(long millis)
      Convenience method to format a specified length of time.
      protected java.lang.String getBuildFailedMessage()
      This is an override point: the message that indicates whether a build failed.
      protected java.lang.String getBuildSuccessfulMessage()
      This is an override point: the message that indicates that a build succeeded.
      protected java.lang.String getTimestamp()
      Get the current time.
      protected void log(java.lang.String message)
      Empty implementation which allows subclasses to receive the same output that is generated here.
      void messageLogged(BuildEvent event)
      Logs a message, if the priority is suitable.
      protected void printMessage(java.lang.String message, stream, int priority)
      Prints a message to a PrintStream.
      void setEmacsMode(boolean emacsMode)
      Sets this logger to produce emacs (and other editor) friendly output.
      void setErrorPrintStream( err)
      Sets the output stream to which this logger is to send error messages.
      void setMessageOutputLevel(int level)
      Sets the highest level of message this logger should respond to.
      void setOutputPrintStream( output)
      Sets the output stream to which this logger is to send its output.
      void targetFinished(BuildEvent event)
      No-op implementation.
      void targetStarted(BuildEvent event)
      Logs a message to say that the target has started if this logger allows information-level messages.
      void taskFinished(BuildEvent event)
      No-op implementation.
      void taskStarted(BuildEvent event)
      No-op implementation.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • out

        protected out
        PrintStream to write non-error messages to
      • err

        protected err
        PrintStream to write error messages to
      • msgOutputLevel

        protected int msgOutputLevel
        Lowest level of message to write out
      • lSep

        protected static final java.lang.String lSep
        Line separator
      • emacsMode

        protected boolean emacsMode
        Whether or not to use emacs-style output
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultLogger

        public DefaultLogger()
        Sole constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • setMessageOutputLevel

        public void setMessageOutputLevel(int level)
        Sets the highest level of message this logger should respond to. Only messages with a message level lower than or equal to the given level should be written to the log.

        Constants for the message levels are in the Project class. The order of the levels, from least to most verbose, is MSG_ERR, MSG_WARN, MSG_INFO, MSG_VERBOSE, MSG_DEBUG.

        The default message level for DefaultLogger is Project.MSG_ERR.

        Specified by:
        setMessageOutputLevel in interface BuildLogger
        level - the logging level for the logger.
      • setOutputPrintStream

        public void setOutputPrintStream( output)
        Sets the output stream to which this logger is to send its output.
        Specified by:
        setOutputPrintStream in interface BuildLogger
        output - The output stream for the logger. Must not be null.
      • setErrorPrintStream

        public void setErrorPrintStream( err)
        Sets the output stream to which this logger is to send error messages.
        Specified by:
        setErrorPrintStream in interface BuildLogger
        err - The error stream for the logger. Must not be null.
      • setEmacsMode

        public void setEmacsMode(boolean emacsMode)
        Sets this logger to produce emacs (and other editor) friendly output.
        Specified by:
        setEmacsMode in interface BuildLogger
        emacsMode - true if output is to be unadorned so that emacs and other editors can parse files names, etc.
      • buildStarted

        public void buildStarted(BuildEvent event)
        Responds to a build being started by just remembering the current time.
        Specified by:
        buildStarted in interface BuildListener
        event - Ignored.
      • buildFinished

        public void buildFinished(BuildEvent event)
        Prints whether the build succeeded or failed, any errors the occurred during the build, and how long the build took.
        Specified by:
        buildFinished in interface BuildListener
        event - An event with any relevant extra information. Must not be null.
        See Also:
      • getBuildFailedMessage

        protected java.lang.String getBuildFailedMessage()
        This is an override point: the message that indicates whether a build failed. Subclasses can change/enhance the message.
        The classic "BUILD FAILED"
      • getBuildSuccessfulMessage

        protected java.lang.String getBuildSuccessfulMessage()
        This is an override point: the message that indicates that a build succeeded. Subclasses can change/enhance the message.
        The classic "BUILD SUCCESSFUL"
      • targetStarted

        public void targetStarted(BuildEvent event)
        Logs a message to say that the target has started if this logger allows information-level messages.
        Specified by:
        targetStarted in interface BuildListener
        event - An event with any relevant extra information. Must not be null.
        See Also:
      • formatTime

        protected static java.lang.String formatTime(long millis)
        Convenience method to format a specified length of time.
        millis - Length of time to format, in milliseconds.
        the time as a formatted string.
        See Also:
      • printMessage

        protected void printMessage(java.lang.String message,
                                    int priority)
        Prints a message to a PrintStream.
        message - The message to print. Should not be null.
        stream - A PrintStream to print the message to. Must not be null.
        priority - The priority of the message. (Ignored in this implementation.)
      • log

        protected void log(java.lang.String message)
        Empty implementation which allows subclasses to receive the same output that is generated here.
        message - Message being logged. Should not be null.
      • getTimestamp

        protected java.lang.String getTimestamp()
        Get the current time.
        the current time as a formatted string.
      • extractProjectName

        protected java.lang.String extractProjectName(BuildEvent event)
        Get the project name or null
        event - the event
        the project that raised this event