IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > WL server administration > Installation

Create the Oracle databases

The installer can create the databases for if...

Otherwise, create the databasees manually...

  1. Use the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) and follow the steps in the wizard to create a new general-purpose database named WRKLGHT:

    1. Use global database name WRKLGHT_your_domain, and system identifier (SID) WRKLGHT.

    2. On the Custom Scripts tab of the step Database Content, do not run the SQL scripts, because we need to create a user account first.

    3. On the Character Sets tab of the step Initialization Parameters, select...

      • Unicode (AL32UTF8) character set
      • UTF8 - Unicode 3.0 UTF-8 national character set

    4. Complete the procedure, accepting the default values.

  2. Repeat step 1 to create the IBM Worklight reports database.

    Use global database name WLREPORT_your_domain and SID WLREPORT.

  3. Repeat step 1 to create the Application Center database.

    Use global database name APPCNTR_your_domain and SID APPCNTR.

  4. Create the users either using Oracle Database Control, or using the Oracle SQLPlus command-line interpreter.

    Create the user for the WRKLGHT database using Oracle Database Control:

    1. Connect as SYSDBA.

    2. Go to the Users page:

      • In Oracle 10.2(g), click Administration, then Users.

      • In Oracle 11.2(g), click Server, then Users in the Security section.

      • Create a user named worklight with the following attributes:

        Profile DEFAULT
        Authentication password
        Default table space USERS
        Temporary table space TEMP
        Status UNLOCK
        Add role CONNECT
        Add role RESOURCE
        Add system privilege CREATE VIEW
        Add system privilege UNLIMITED TABLESPACE

    3. Repeat the previous step to create the user worklight for the IBM Worklight report database, WLREPORT.

    4. Repeat the previous step to create the user worklight for the Application Center database, APPCNTR.

    To create the user for all three databases with Oracle SQLPlus...

      CONNECT system/<system_password>@WRKLGHT
      CREATE USER worklight IDENTIFIED BY worklight;
      GRANT CONNECT TO worklight;
      GRANT RESOURCE TO worklight;
      GRANT CREATE VIEW TO worklight;

      CONNECT system/<system_password>@WLREPORT
      CREATE USER worklight IDENTIFIED BY worklight;
      GRANT CONNECT TO worklight;
      GRANT RESOURCE TO worklight;
      GRANT CREATE VIEW TO worklight;

      CONNECT system/<system_password>@APPCNTR
      CREATE USER worklight IDENTIFIED BY worklight;
      GRANT CONNECT TO worklight;
      GRANT RESOURCE TO worklight;
      GRANT CREATE VIEW TO worklight;

Parent Installation


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