Troubleshooting The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
The following sections provide WebLogic Tuxedo Connector troubleshooting information.
Monitoring the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector
The WebLogic Tuxedo Connector uses the WebLogic Server log file to record log information. To record log information :
Set Trace Levels
Note: For more information about setting WebLogic Server properties, see How to Set WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Properties.
To enable tracing, update the JAVA_OPTIONS variable in your server start script to the to the desired level.
Use the following values to set the TraceLevel:
Components Traced
10000 TBRIDGE_IO Tuxedo Queuing Bridge input and output 15000 TBRIDGE_EX more Tuxedo Queuing Bridge information 20000 GWT_IO Gateway input and output, including the ATMI verbs 25000 GWT_EX more Gateway information 50000 JAMTI_IO JAMTI input and output, including low-level JAMTI calls 55000 JAMTI_EX more JAMTI information 60000 CORBA_IO CORBA input and output 65000 CORBA_EX more CORBA information 100000 All Components information on all WebLogic Tuxedo Connector components
Enable Debug Mode
Use the following procedure to specify that trace information is written to the log file:
- Click the Server node in the left pane.
- Select your server in the left pane.
- Select the Logging tab.
- In the General tab:
- Check Debug to Stdout
- Set Stdout severity threshold to Info.
Frequently Asked Questions
This section provides solutions to common user questions.
What does this EJB Deployment Message Mean?
When I build the simpserv example, I get the following error:
<date> <Error> <EJB> <EJB Deployment: Tolower has a class which is in the classpath. This class should only be located in the ejb-jar file.>This error message can be ignored for this release of the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector. The EJB wants all of the interfaces for an EJB call in the EJB jar file. However, some interfaces for the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector are implemented through the CLASSPATH, and the compiler throws an exception. When the EJB is deployed, the compiler complains that the EJB cannot be redeployed because some of its classes are found in the CLASSPATH.
How do I Start the Connector?
Releases prior to WebLogic Server 7.0 used a WebLogic Server Startup class to start a WebLogic Tuxedo Connector session and a WebLogic Server Shutdown class to end a session. In WebLogic Server 8.1, WebLogic Tuxedo Connector sessions are managed using a WTC Service.
- A WebLogic Tuxedo Connector session is started when a configured WTC Service is assigned to a selected server.
- A WebLogic Tuxedo Connector session is ended by removing a WTC Service from the WebLogic server or when you shutdown the WebLogic server.
How do I Start the Tuxedo Queuing Bridge?
The Tuxedo Queuing Bridge is started if the Tuxedo Queuing Bridge and Redirections configurations exist in your WTC Service and the WTC Service is assigned to a selected server
How do I Assign a WTC Service to a Server?
The console displays an exception when I try to assign my WTC Service to a server. What should I do?
Make sure you have a valid WTC Service configured. Each WTC Service must have 1 or more Local Tuxedo Access Points configured before it can be assigned to a server. Your server log will display the following:
<Apr 22, 2002 4:21:35 PM EDT> <Error> <WTC> <180101> <At least one local domain has to be defined.>
How do I Resolve Connection Problems?
I'm having trouble getting a connection established between WebLogic Tuxedo Connector and Tuxedo. What should I do?
- Make sure you have started your Tuxedo server.
- Set the TraceLevel and enable Debug mode. Repeat the connectivity test and check the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector and Tuxedo log files for error messages.
- Avoid using machine names or localhost. Always use an IP address when specifying a network location.
- Check your AclPolicy and CredentialPolicy attributes. If your AclPolicy is LOCAL, register the remote domain DOMAINID as a WebLogic Server user. For more information, see User Authentication.
- If you are migrating from WebLogic Server 6.x and your applications use security, you need to set PasswordKey as a WebLogic Server property. For more information, see How to Set WebLogic Tuxedo Connector Properties.
- Check the WebLogic Tuxedo Connector configuration against the Tuxedo remote domain. The remote domain must match the name of a remote domain configured in WebLogic Tuxedo Connector.
For example: If the name simpapp is configured in the Tuxedo DMCONFIG *DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section, then this name must match the name in your Remote Tuxedo Access Point Access Point Id attribute.
- Request assistance from BEA Customer Support.
How do I Migrate from Previous Releases?
You must make some changes in your WebLogic Tuxedo Connector 6.x applications (including WebLogic Tuxedo Connector 1.0) to use them with WebLogic Server 8.1. For more information, see WebLogic Server 8.1 Upgrade Guide.