Upgrading WebLogic Web Services
The following sections describe how to upgrade WebLogic Web Services to 8.1:
- Overview of Upgrading WebLogic Web Services
- Upgrading a 7.0 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1
- Upgrading a 6.1 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1
Overview of Upgrading WebLogic Web Services
Because of changes in the Web Service runtime system between Versions 6.1, 7.0, and 8.1 of WebLogic Server, upgrade Web Services created in version 6.1 and 7.0 to run on Version 8.1.
Upgrading a 7.0 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1
To upgrade a 7.0 WebLogic Web Service to Version 8.1:
- Set your 8.1 environment.
On Windows NT, execute the setEnv.cmd command, located in your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME\user_projects\domains\domainName, where BEA_HOME is the top-level installation directory of the BEA products and domainName is the name of your domain.
On UNIX, execute the setEnv.sh command, located in your domain directory. The default location of WebLogic Server domains is BEA_HOME/user_projects/domains/domainName, where BEA_HOME is the top-level installation directory of the BEA products and domainName is the name of your domain.
- Change to the staging directory that contains the components of your Version 7.0 Web Service, such as the EJB JAR file and the build.xml file that contains the call to the servicegen Ant task.
- Execute the servicegen Ant task specified in the build.xml file by typing ant in the staging directory:
prompt> antThe Ant task generates the 8.1 Web Services EAR file in the staging directory which can then deploy on WebLogic Server.
Upgrading a 6.1 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1
You upgrade a 6.1 Web Service manually, by rewriting the build.xml file you used to create the 6.1 Web Service to now call the servicegen Ant task rather than the wsgen Ant task. You cannot deploy a 6.1 Web Service on a 8.1 WebLogic Server instance.
Warning: The wsgen Ant task was deprecated in Version 7.0 of WebLogic Server, and is not supported in Version 8.1.
The WebLogic Web Services client API included in version 6.1 of WebLogic Server has been removed and you cannot use it to invoke 8.1 Web Services. Version 8.1 includes a new client API, based on the Java API for XML based RPC (JAX-RPC). You must rewrite client applications that used the 6.1 Web Services client API to now use the JAX-RPC APIs. For details, see Invoking Web Services from Client Applications and WebLogic Server.
To upgrade a 6.1 WebLogic Web Service to 8.1:
- Convert the build.xml Ant build file used to assemble 6.1 Web Services with the wsgen Ant task to the 8.1 version that calls the servicegen Ant task.
For details see Converting a 6.1 build.xml file to 8.1.
- Un-jar the 6.1 Web Services EAR file and extract the EJB JAR file that contains the stateless session EJBs (for 6.1 RPC-style Web Services) or message-driven beans (for 6.1 message-style Web Services), along with any supporting class files.
- If your 6.1 Web Service was RPC-style, seeAssembling WebLogic Web Services Using the servicegen Ant Task for instructions on using the servicegen Ant task. If your 6.1 Web Service was message-style, see Assembling JMS-Implemented WebLogic Web Services Using servicegen.
- In your client application, update the URL you use to access the Web Service or the WSDL of the Web Service from that used in 6.1 to 8.1. For details, see Updating the URL Used to Access the Web Service.
Converting a 6.1 build.xml file to 8.1
The main difference between the 6.1 and 8.1 build.xml files used to assemble a Web Service is the Ant task: in 6.1 the task was called wsgen and in 8.1 it is called servicegen. The servicegen Ant task uses many of the same elements and attributes of wsgen, although some do not apply anymore. The servicegen Ant task also includes additional configuration options. The table at the end of this section describes the mapping between the elements and attributes of the two Ant tasks.
The following build.xml excerpt is from the 6.1 RPC-style Web Services example:
<project name="myProject" default="wsgen"> <target name="wsgen"> <wsgen destpath="weather.ear" context="/weather"> <rpcservices path="weather.jar"> <rpcservice bean="statelessSession" uri="/weatheruri"/> </rpcservices> </wsgen> </target>
</project>The following example shows an equivalent 8.1 build.xml file:
<project name="myProject" default="servicegen"> <target name="servicegen"> <servicegen destEar="weather.ear" contextURI="weather" > <service ejbJar="weather.jar" serviceURI="/weatheruri" includeEJBs="statelessSession" > </service> </servicegen> </target>
</project>For detailed information on the WebLogic Web Service Ant tasks, see Web Service Ant Tasks and Command-Line Utilities.
The following table maps the 6.1 wsgen elements and attributes to their equivalent 8.1 servicegen elements and attributes.
6.1 wsgen Element
Equivalent 8.1 servicegen element
wsgen basepath No equivalent. No equivalent destpath servicegen destEar context servicegen contextURI protocol servicegen.service protocol host No equivalent. No equivalent port No equivalent. No equivalent webapp servicegen warName classpath servicegen classpath rpcservices module No equivalent. No equivalent path servicegen.service ejbJar rpcservice bean servicegen.service includeEJBS, excludeEJBs uri servicegen.service serviceURI messageservices N/A No equivalent. No equivalent messageservice name No equivalent. No equivalent. destination servicegen.service JMSDestination destinationtype servicegen.service JMSDestinationType action servicegen.service JMSAction connectionfactory servicegen.service JMSConnectionFactory uri servicegen.service serviceURI clientjar path servicegen.service.client clientJarName
Updating the URL Used to Access the Web Service
The default URL used by client applications to access a WebLogic Web Service and its WSDL has changed between versions 6.1 and 8.1 of WebLogic Server.
In Version 6.1, the default URL was:
[protocol]://[host]:[port]/[context]/[WSname]/[WSname].wsdlas described in URLs to Invoke WebLogic Web Services and Get the WSDL.
For example, the URL to invoke a 6.1 Web Service built with the build.xml file shown in Converting a 6.1 build.xml file to 8.1, is:
http://host:port/weather/statelessSession.WeatherHome/statelessSession.WeatherHome.wsdlIn 8.1, the default URL is:
[protocol]://[host]:[port]/[contextURI]/[serviceURI]?WSDLas described in WebLogic Web Services Home Page and WSDL URLs.
For example, the URL to invoke the equivalent 8.1 Web Service after converting the 6.1 build.xml file shown in Converting a 6.1 build.xml file to 8.1 and running wsgen is: