Introducing WebLogic RMI
What is WebLogic RMI?
Features of WebLogic RMI
WebLogic RMI Features and Guidelines
WebLogic RMI Framework
WebLogic RMI Compiler
Migrating from Stubs and Skeletons to Dynamic Proxies and Bytecode
WebLogic RMI Compiler Options
Non-Replicated Stubs in a Cluster
Additional WebLogic RMI Compiler Features
Dynamic Proxies in RMI
Using the WebLogic RMI Compiler with Proxies
Hot Code Generation
WebLogic RMI Registry
WebLogic RMI Implementation Features
rmi.server Classes
Unused Classes
RMI and T3 Protocol
Implementing WebLogic RMI
Overview of the WebLogic RMI API
Procedures for Implementing WebLogic RMI
Creating Classes That Can Be Invoked Remotely
Step 1. Write a Remote Interface
Step 2. Implement the Remote Interface
Step 3. Compile the Java Class
Step 4. Compile the Implementation Class with RMI Compiler
Step 5: Write Code That Invokes Remote Methods
Full Code Examples