Introduction to WebLogic JDBC
Overview of JDBC
Using JDBC Drivers with WebLogic Server
Types of JDBC Drivers
Table of WebLogic Server JDBC Drivers
WebLogic Server JDBC Drivers
WebLogic jDriver for Oracle
BEA WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Servers
WebLogic jDriver for Microsoft SQL Server (Deprecated)
WebLogic Server Wrapper Drivers
WebLogic RMI Driver
WebLogic Pool Driver
WebLogic JTS Driver
Third-Party JDBC Drivers
Oracle Thin Driver
Overview of Connection Pools
Using Connection Pools with Server-side Applications
Using Connection Pools with Client-side Applications
Overview of MultiPools
Overview of Clustered JDBC
Overview of DataSources
JDBC 2.0
Configuring and Using WebLogic JDBC
Configuring and Using Connection Pools
Advantages to Using Connection Pools
Creating a Connection Pool at Startup
Avoiding Server Lockup with the Correct Number of Connections
Database Passwords in Connection Pool Configuration
Creating a Connection Pool Dynamically
Dynamic Connection Pool Sample Code
Import Packages
Look Up the Administration MBeanHome
Get the Server MBean
Create the Connection Pool MBean
Set the Connection Pool Properties
Add the Target
Create a DataSource
Removing a Dynamic Connection Pool and DataSource
Configuring and Using DataSources
Importing Packages to Access DataSource Objects
Obtaining a Client Connection Using a DataSource
Possible Exceptions When a Connection Request Fails
Connection Pool Limitation
Managing Connection Pools
Getting Status and Statistics for a Connection Pool
Enabling Connection Creation Retries
Initializing Connections with a SQL Query
Testing Connection Pools and Database Connections
Enabling Connection Requests to Wait for a Connection
Connection Reserve Timeout
Limiting the Number of Waiting Connection Requests
Configuring and Managing the Statement Cache for a Connection Pool
Configuring the Statement Cache
Deprecated Statement Cache Configuration Options
Clearing the Statement Cache for a Connection Pool
Clearing the Statement Cache for a Single Connection
Shrinking a Connection Pool
Resetting a Connection Pool
Suspending a Connection Pool
Resuming a Connection Pool
Configuring and Using Application-Scoped JDBC Connection Pools
Configuring Application-Scoped Connection Pools
Required Elements Within the jdbc-connection-pool Element
Encrypting the Database Password in weblogic-application.xml
Deprecated Statement Cache Configuration Options for Application-Scoped Connection Pools
Getting a Connection from an Application-Scoped Connection Pool
Configuring and Using MultiPools
MultiPool Features
Choosing the MultiPool Algorithm
High Availability
Load Balancing
MultiPool Fail-Over Limitations and Requirements
Test Connections on Reserve to Enable Fail-Over
No Fail-Over When All Connections are In Use
Connection Requests are Always Routed to Connection Pools in Order
Do Not Enable Connection Creation Retries
No Fail-Over for In-Use Connections
Messages and Error Conditions for MultiPools
Capacity Issues
Performance Tuning Your JDBC Application
WebLogic Performance-Enhancing Features
How Connection Pools Enhance Performance
Caching Statements and Data
Designing Your Application for Best Performance
1. Process as Much Data as Possible Inside the Database
2. Use Built-in DBMS Set-based Processing
3. Make Your Queries Smart
4. Make Transactions Single-batch
5. Never Have a DBMS Transaction Span User Input
6. Use In-place Updates
7. Keep Operational Data Sets Small
8. Use Pipelining and Parallelism
Using WebLogic Wrapper Drivers
Using the WebLogic RMI Driver
Setting Up WebLogic Server to Use the WebLogic RMI Driver
Sample Client Code for Using the RMI Driver
Import the Required Packages
Get the Database Connection
Using a JNDI Lookup to Obtain the Connection
Using Only the WebLogic RMI Driver to Obtain a Database Connection
Row Caching with the WebLogic RMI Driver
Important Limitations for Row Caching with the WebLogic RMI Driver
Using the WebLogic JTS Driver
Sample Client Code for Using the JTS Driver
Using the WebLogic Pool Driver
Using Third-Party Drivers with WebLogic Server
Overview of Third-Party JDBC Drivers
Third-Party JDBC Drivers Installed with WebLogic Server
Setting the Environment for a Type-4 Third-Party JDBC Driver
CLASSPATH for Third-Party JDBC Driver on Windows
CLASSPATH for Third-Party JDBC Driver on UNIX
Using the Oracle Thin Driver
Character Set Support with
Using the Oracle Thin Driver in Debug Mode
Updating the Sybase jConnect Driver
Installing and Using the IBM DB2 Type 2 JDBC Driver
Connection Pool Attributes when using the IBM DB2 Type 2 JDBC Driver
Installing and Using the SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC from Microsoft
Installing the MS SQL Server JDBC Driver on a Windows System
Installing the MS SQL Server JDBC Driver on a Unix System
Connection Pool Attributes when using the Microsoft SQL Server Driver for JDBC
Installing and Using the IBM Informix JDBC Driver
Connection Pool Attributes when using the IBM Informix JDBC Driver
Programming Notes for the IBM Informix JDBC Driver
Getting a Connection with Your Third-Party Driver
Using Connection Pools with a Third-Party Driver
Creating the Connection Pool and DataSource
Using a JNDI Lookup to Obtain the Connection
Getting a Physical Connection from a Connection Pool
Code Sample for Getting a Physical Connection
Limitations for Using a Physical Connection
Using Vendor Extensions to JDBC Interfaces
Sample Code for Accessing Vendor Extensions to JDBC Interfaces
Import Packages to Access Vendor Extensions
Get a Connection
Cast the Connection as a Vendor Connection
Use Vendor Extensions
Using Oracle Extensions with the Oracle Thin Driver
Limitations When Using Oracle JDBC Extensions
Sample Code for Accessing Oracle Extensions to JDBC Interfaces
Programming with ARRAYs
Import Packages to Access Oracle Extensions
Establish the Connection
Getting an ARRAY
Updating ARRAYs in the Database
Using Oracle Array Extension Methods
Programming with STRUCTs
Getting a STRUCT
Using OracleStruct Extension Methods
Getting STRUCT Attributes
Using STRUCTs to Update Objects in the Database
Creating Objects in the Database
Automatic Buffering for STRUCT Attributes
Programming with REFs
Getting a REF
Using OracleRef Extension Methods
Getting a Value
Updating REF Values
Creating a REF in the Database
Programming with BLOBs and CLOBs
Query to Select BLOB Locator from the DBMS
Declare the WebLogic Server java.sql Objects
Begin SQL Exception Block
Updating a CLOB Value Using a Prepared Statement
Programming with Oracle Virtual Private Databases
Oracle VPD with WebLogic Server 8.1SP2
Support for Vendor Extensions Between Versions of WebLogic Server Clients and Servers
Tables of Oracle Extension Interfaces and Supported Methods
Using RowSets with WebLogic Server
About RowSets
Creating RowSets
Working with Data in a RowSet
Populating a RowSet
Populating a RowSet from an Existing ResultSet
Populating a RowSet from a DataSource and Query
Retrieving Data from a RowSet
Updating Data in a RowSet
Deleting Data from a RowSet
Inserting Data into a RowSet
Flushing Changes to the Database
RowSet Meta Data
Optimistic Concurrency Policies
Optimistic Concurrency Control Limitations
Choosing an Optimistic Policy
MetaData Settings for RowSet Updates
executeAndGuessTableName and executeAndGuessTableNameAndPrimaryKeys
Setting Table and Primary Key Information Using the MetaData Interface
Setting the Write table
RowSets and Transactions
Integrating with JTA Global Transactions
Using Local transactions
Performance Options
JDBC Batching
Oracle Batching limitations
Group Deletes
RowSets and XML
Writing a RowSet Instance as XML
Populating a RowSet from an XML Document
JDBC Type to XML Schema Type Mapping
XML Schema Type to JDBC Type Mapping
Multi-table RowSet Mapping
Multi-Table RowSet Example
Testing JDBC Connections and Troubleshooting
Monitoring JDBC Connectivity
Validating a DBMS Connection from the Command Line
Troubleshooting JDBC
JDBC Connections
Codeset Support
Other Problems with Oracle on UNIX
Thread-related Problems on UNIX
Closing JDBC Objects
Troubleshooting Problems with Shared Libraries on UNIX
WebLogic jDriver for Oracle
Incorrectly Set File Permissions
Incorrect SHLIB_PATH