Overview of WebLogic jCOM


What Is WebLogic jCOM?

An Important Note on Terminology
jCOM Architecture


Why Use WebLogic jCOM?

WebLogic jCOM Features

WebLogic jCOM Examples

Planning Your WebLogic jCOM Application

Zero-Client Deployment
Advantages and Disadvantages of Zero-Client Deployment
The Zero-Client Example
Early Versus Late Binding
Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Binding Model
DCOM Versus Native Mode
Advantages and Disadvantages of Native Mode


jCOM Features and Changes in this Release


Calling into WebLogic Server from a COM Client Application


Special Requirement for Native Mode

Calling WebLogic Server from a COM Client: Main Steps

Preparing WebLogic Server

Generate Java Wrappers and the IDL File - Early Binding Only
Start the Server
Enable COM Calls on the Server Listen Port
Configuring Access Control
Granting Access to java.util.Collection and java.util.Iterator
Granting Access to ejb20.basic.beanManaged
Configure Other Console Properties


Preparing the COM Client

Install Necessary Files
jCOM Tools Files
WebLogic Server Class Files - Native Mode Only
Obtain an Object Reference Moniker from the WebLogic Server Servlet - Zero Client Only
Generate Java Wrappers and the IDL File - Early Binding Only
Some Notes about Wrapper Files
Register the WebLogic Server JVM in the Client Machine Registry
Unregistering JVMs
Select Native Mode, If Applicable
Code the COM Client Application
Late Bound Applications
Early Bound Applications
Start the COM Client


Running COM-to-WLS Applications in Native Mode

Native Mode with the JVM Running Out-of-Process
Native Mode with the JVM Running In-Process


Calling into a COM Application from WebLogic Server


Special Requirements for Native Mode

Calling a COM Application from WebLogic Server: Main Steps

Preparing the COM Application

Code the COM Application
Generate Java Classes with the com2java GUI Tool
Package the Java Classes for WebLogic Server
Start the COM Application


Preparing WebLogic Server

Start the Server
Enable COM Calls on the Server Listen Port
Enable Native Mode, If Desired
Configure Other Relevant Console Properties
Prepare Your Server Code to Call the COM Objects


Using Java Classes Generated by com2java

Using Java Interfaces Generated from COM interfaces by com2java


A Closer Look at the jCOM Tools



Using com2java
Selecting the Type Library
Specifying the Java Package Name
Generate the Proxies
Files Generated by com2java
COM Interfaces
COM Classes




JVM Modes
DCOM mode
Native Mode Out of Process
Native Mode in Process
The User Interface of the regjvm GUI Tool
DCOM Mode Options for the regjvm GUI Tool
Native Mode Options for the regjvm GUI Tool
Native Mode in Process Options for the regjvm GUI Tool





Upgrading Considerations


Advantages of jCOM 8.1 over jCOM 6.1

Changes to Your COM Code

Security Changes

Configuration Changes

Upgrading from jCOM 7.0 to jCOM 8.1

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