This is an entry in the XML registry. An XML registry entry is configuration information associated with a particular XML document type. Entries accessed through this interface are used to specify a local instance for a remote entity reference. For this type of registry entry the document type is identified by either or both of: 1) a public ID (e.g, "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" 2) a system ID (e.g, "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd") This configuration information is used by the WebLogic JAXP implementation to set up SAX EntityResolvers.
<XMLEntitySpecRegistryEntry CacheTimeoutInterval="number EntityURI="String Name="String Notes="String PublicId="String SystemId="String Type="String WhenToCache=( "cache-on-reference" | "cache-at-initialization" | "cache-never" | "defer-to-registry-setting" )
Parent Elements
CacheTimeoutInterval Return the default timeout interval in seconds for the cache. A value of -1 causes this value to be delegated from the cache MBean. Admin Console field label: Cache Timeout IntervalDefault: -1Minimum: -1 EntityURI Return the location of a local copy of an external entity (e.g., a DTD) that is associated with this registry entry. The location is either a pathname relative to one of the XML registry directories of the installation, or is a URI of the entity location in some local repository (e.g. dbms). Admin Console field label: Entity URIRequired: no Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Admin Console field label: NameRequired: no Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Admin Console field label: NotesRequired: no PublicId Get the public id of the document type represented by this registry entry. Admin Console field label: Public IDRequired: no SystemId Get the system id of the document type represented by this registry entry. Admin Console field label: System IDRequired: no Type Returns the type of the MBean. Required: no WhenToCache Set whether to cache this item as soon as possible or wait until it is referenced. Admin Console field label: When To CacheRequired: noDefault: defer-to-registry-setting