This interface provides access to the WTC local Tuxedo Domain configuration attributes. The methods defined herein are applicable for WTC configuration at the WLS domain level.
<WTCLocalTuxDom AccessPoint="String AccessPointId="String BlockTime="number CmpLimit="number ConnPrincipalName="String ConnectionPolicy=( "ON_DEMAND" | "ON_STARTUP" | "INCOMING_ONLY" ) Interoperate="String MaxEncryptBits=( "0" | "40" | "56" | "128" ) MaxRetries="number MinEncryptBits=( "0" | "40" | "56" | "128" ) NWAddr="String Name="String Notes="String RetryInterval="number Security=( "NONE" | "APP_PW" | "DM_PW" ) Type="String
Parent Elements
AccessPoint Defines a name used to identify a local Tuxedo access point in a WTC Service. This name must be unique within defined Local Tuxedo Access Points. This allows you to define unique configurations having the same Access Point ID. Admin Console field label: Access Point AccessPointId Defines the connection name used to identify this local Tuxedo access point when attempting to establish a session connection with a remote Tuxedo access point. The AccessPointId of a WTCLocalTuxDom MBean must match the corresponding DOMAINID in the *DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section of your Tuxedo DMCONFIG file. Admin Console field label: Access Point ID BlockTime Defines the maximum wait time (seconds) allowed for a blocking call. Admin Console field label: Blocking Time OutDefault: 60Minimum: 0Maximum: 231-1 CmpLimit Defines the compression threshold used when sending data to a remote Tuxedo access point. Application buffers larger than this size are compressed. Admin Console field label: Compression LimitDefault: 231-1Minimum: 0Maximum: 231-1 ConnPrincipalName Defines the principal name used to verify the identity of this domain when establishing a connection to another domain.
- This parameter only applies to domains of type TDOMAIN that are running BEA Tuxedo 7.1 or later software.
Note: ConnectionPrincipalName is not supported in this release.
- If not specified, the connection pricipal name defaults to the AccessPointID for this domain.
Admin Console field label: Connection Principal NameRequired: no ConnectionPolicy Defines the conditions under which a local Tuxedo access point tries to establish a connection to a remote Tuxedo access point.
- ON_DEMAND: A connection is attempted only when requested by either a client request to a remote service or an administrative connect command.
- ON_STARTUP: A domain gateway attempts to establish a connection with its remote Tuxedo access points at gateway server initialization time. Remote services (services advertised in JNDI by the domain gateway for this local access point) are advertised only if a connection is successfully established to that remote Tuxedo access point. If there is no active connection to a remote Tuxedo access point, then the remote services are suspended. By default, this connection policy retries failed connections every 60 seconds. Use the MaxRetry and RetryInterval attributes to specify application specific values.
- INCOMING_ONLY: A domain gateway does not attempt an initial connection to remote Tuxedo access points at startup and remote services are initially suspended. The domain gateway is available for incoming connections from remote Tuxedo access points and remote services are advertised when the domain gateway for this local Tuxedo access point receives an incoming connection. Connection retry processing is not allowed.
Admin Console field label: Connection PolicyRequired: noDefault: ON_DEMAND Interoperate Specifies whether the local domain interoperates with remote Tuxedo access points that are based upon Tuxedo release 6.5. If Yes, the local Tuxedo access point interoperates with a Tuxedo 6.5 domain. Admin Console field label: InteroperateRequired: noDefault: No MaxEncryptBits Defines the maximum encryption key length (in bits) used when establishing a network connection for a local Tuxedo access point.
- A value of 0 indicates no encryption is used.
- The value of the MaxEncryptBits attribute must be greater than or equal to the value of the MinEncrypBits attribute.
- A MaxEncryptBits of 40 can be used only with domains running Tuxedo 7.1 or higher.
Admin Console field label: Max Encryption LevelRequired: noDefault: 128Secure value: "128" MaxRetries Defines the number of times that a domain gateway tries to establish connections to remote Tuxedo access points. Use only when Connection Policy is set to ON_STARTUP.
- Use the minimum value to disable the retry mechanism.
- Use the maximum value to try until a connection is established.
Admin Console field label: Max RetriesDefault: 263-1Minimum: 0Maximum: 263-1 MinEncryptBits Defines the minimum encryption key length (in bits) used when establishing a network connection for a local Tuxedo access point.
- A value of 0 indicates no encryption is used.
- The value of the MinEncrypBits attribute must be less than or equal to the value of the MaxEncrypBits attribute.
- A MinEncrypBits of 40 can be used only with domains running Tuxedo 7.1 or higher.
Admin Console field label: Min Encryption LevelRequired: noDefault: 0Secure value: "40" NWAddr Defines the network address of the local Tuxedo access point. Specify the TCP/IP address in one of the following formats:
- //hostname:port_number
If the hostname is used, the access point finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). If dotted decimal format is used, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine. The port_number is the TCP port number at which the access point listens for incoming requests.
- //#.#.#.#:port_number
Admin Console field label: Network AddressRequired: no Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Required: no Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Required: no RetryInterval Defines the number of seconds between automatic attempts to establish a connection to remote Tuxedo access points. Use only when Connection Policy is set to ON_STARTUP. Admin Console field label: Retry IntervalDefault: 60Minimum: 0Maximum: 231-1 Security Defines the type of application security enforced.
- NONE: No security is used.
- APP_PW: Password security is enforced when a connection is established from a remote domain. The application password is defined in the WTCResourcesMBean.
- DM_PW: Domain password security is enforced when a connection is established from a remote domain. The domain password is defined in the WTCPasswordsMBean.
Admin Console field label: SecurityRequired: noDefault: NONESecure value: "DM_PW" Type Returns the type of the MBean. Required: no