
This bean represents the server-wide configuration of COM




ApartmentThreaded=( "true" | "false" )

MemoryLoggingEnabled=( "true" | "false" )



NativeModeEnabled=( "true" | "false" )


PrefetchEnums=( "true" | "false" )


VerboseLoggingEnabled=( "true" | "false" )



Parent Elements





Range of Values and Default

ApartmentThreaded Controls the flag that is used to initialize COM in native mode. By default, jCOM initializes COM using the COINIT_MULTITHREADED_FLAG. If the server logs a Class Not Registered Message when using native mode, try setting this property. (COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) Admin Console field label: Apartment ThreadedDefault: false
MemoryLoggingEnabled Enables logging of memory usage Admin Console field label: Enable Memory LoggingDefault: false
NTAuthHost The address of the primary domain controller to be used for authenticating clients. If this property is not set, COM clients will not be authenticated. Admin Console field label: NT Authentication HostRequired: no
Name The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration. Required: no
NativeModeEnabled Use native DLLs to allow Java objects to interact with COM Objects. Only supported on Windows. Admin Console field label: Enable Native ModeDefault: false
Notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. Required: no
PrefetchEnums Some COM methods return a COM VariantEnumeration type. The java2com tool automatically converts the returned type into a java.lang.Enumeration. This is not a perfect match since COM enumerations have no equivalent to the hasMoreElements() call. The client must continue to call nextElement until a NoSuchElementException occurs. Setting this property will cause jCOM to prefetch the next element in behind the scenes and return the correct value when hasMoreElements is called. Admin Console field label: Prefetch EnumerationDefault: false
Type Returns the type of the MBean. Required: no
VerboseLoggingEnabled Enables verbose logging. Default: false

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