WLEC Connection Pool --> Configuration --> Security
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Using WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity, a security context established in WebLogic Server can be used to establish a security identify in a BEA Tuxedo domain. In a WLEC connection pool, each network connection has been authenticated through a User identity that is defined by the system administrator of WebLogic Server. You can use either password or certificate authentication to establish a WLEC connection pool.
Related Topics
Using WebLogic Enterprise Connectivity
Attribute Label
Value Constraints
User Name The name of a qualified user. This field is required only when the security level in the Tuxedo domain is USER_AUTH, ACL or MANDATORY_ACL.MBean: weblogic.management.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: UserName
User Password The password of the qualified user specified in the User Name field. This field is required only when you define the User Name field.MBean: weblogic.management.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: UserPasswordEncrypted: yes User Role The user role for this connection pool. This field is required when the security level in the Tuxedo domain is APP_PW, USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL.MBean: weblogic.management.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: UserRole
Application Password The password for the application. This field is required when the security level in the Tuxedo domain is APP_PW, USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL.MBean: weblogic.management.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: ApplicationPasswordEncrypted: yes Minimum Encryption Level The minimum SSL encryption level used between the Tuxedo domain and WebLogic Server.
- Zero (0) indicates that the data is signed but not sealed.
- 40, 56, and 128 specify the length, in bits, of the encryption key.
- Default value is 40.
MBean: weblogic.management.
- If this minimum level of encryption is not met, the SSL connection between Tuxedo and WebLogic Server fails.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: MinimumEncryptionLevel
Maximum Encryption Level The maximum SSL encryption level used between the Tuxedo domain and WebLogic Server.
- Zero (0) indicates that the data is signed but not sealed.
- 40, 56, and 128 specify the length, in bits, of the encryption key.
- The default is the maximum level allowed by the Encryption Package kit license.
MBean: weblogic.management.
- If this minimum level of encryption is not met, the SSL connection between Tuxedo and WebLogic Server fails.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: MaximumEncryptionLevel
Enable Certificate Authentication The state of certificate authentication.
- When you use certificate authentication, WLEC uses the values for the User Name and Application Password fields to create a certificate for WLEC.
- If you do not use certificate authentication, WLEC uses password authentication or no authentication, depending on the security level of the Tuxedo domain.
MBean: weblogic.management.
- If password authentication is required, WLEC uses the values for the User Name and User Password fields to authenticate.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: CertificateAuthenticationEnabledDefault: falseValid values:
- true
- false
Enable Security Context The state of the security context the WebLogic Server User passed to the Tuxedo domain. If selected, security context is enabled.MBean: weblogic.management.
WLECConnectionPoolMBeanAttribute: SecurityContextEnabledDefault: falseValid values:
- true
- false