Web Application --> Configuration --> Descriptor

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes



In the Connector Component > Configuration > Descriptor tab, you define the configuration of the application deployment descriptor file that is associated with this Web application module.

This release of WebLogic Server has deprecated the Administration Console Deployment Descriptor Editor. A new Descriptor tab in the Administration Console has replaced it. Using the Descriptor tab, you can view, modify, and persist deployment descriptor elements to the descriptor file within the Web application in the same manner that they were persisted using the Deployment Descriptor Editor.

However, these descriptor elements takes place dynamically at runtime without requiring the Web application to be redeployed. The descriptor elelements contained in the Descriptor tab are limited to only those descriptor elements that may be dynamically changed at runtime. Note that these attributes are maintained in the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor file. (For more information, refer to weblogic.xml" in Developing Web Applications for WebLogic Server.) If you alter the value of any of these attributes and select Apply, then the Web Application deployment descriptor file is updated and deployed to all of the appropriate server machines.



Designating a Default Web Application

Deploying a New Web Application

Testing the Deployment

Viewing Deployed Web Applications

Stopping Deployed Web Applications

Adding or Editing Web Application Deployment Notes

Deleting a Web Application

Monitoring Web Applications and Servlets

Viewing and Updating Run-Time Descriptor Elements


Related Topics

Developing Web Applications for WebLogic Server



Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Session Cookie Max Age Secs The life span of the session cookie, in seconds, after which it expires on the client. MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: SessionCookieMaxAgeSecs
Units: seconds
Session Invalidation Interval Secs The time, in seconds, that WebLogic Server waits between doing house-cleaning checks for timed-out and invalid sessions, and deleting the old sessions and freeing up memory.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: SessionInvalidationIntervalSecs
Units: seconds
Session Timeout Secs The amount of time (in seconds) that a session can remain inactive before it is invalidated. MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: SessionTimeoutSecs
Units: seconds
Servlet Reload Check Secs The amount of time (in seconds) that WebLogic Server waits to check if a servlet was modified and needs to be reloaded.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: ServletReloadCheckSecs
Units: seconds
Single Threaded Servlet Pool Size The size of the pool used for single threaded mode instance pools.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: SingleThreadedServletPoolSize

Index Directory Enabled Specifies whether the target should automatically generate an HTML directory listing if no suitable index file is found.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: IndexDirectoryEnabled

Enable Session Monitoring Specifies whether runtime MBeans will be created for sessions.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: SessionMonitoringEnabled

JSPCompile Command The full pathname of the Java compiler to use for compiling the generated JSP servlets.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: JSPCompileCommand

JSPPage Check Secs The interval, in seconds, at which WebLogic Server checks to see if JSP files have changed and need recompiling.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: JSPPageCheckSecs
Units: seconds
JSPKeep Generated Specifies whether to keep the generated source files or delete them after compiling a JSP.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: JSPKeepGenerated

JSPVerbose Enables the JSP compiler's verbose output option.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: JSPVerbose
Default: false
Enable JSP Line Numbers Compiles JSPs with the Java compiler's debug option enabled.MBean: weblogic.management.
WebAppComponentMBeanAttribute: JSPDebug
Default: false

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