Tasks --> Status

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes



The Task Runtime --> Status tab displays the following information about the task:

  • A description of the task
  • The status of the task
  • The time when the task execution began.
  • The time when the task execution ended.
  • Any exception that occurred while executing the task.
  • A log of the task's activities.



View Details about a Task


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Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Description A description of this task MBean: weblogic.management.
runtime.TaskRuntimeMBeanAttribute: Description

Status The status of this Task.MBean: weblogic.management.
runtime.TaskRuntimeMBeanAttribute: Status

Begin Time The time that the task started.MBean: weblogic.management.
runtime.TaskRuntimeMBeanAttribute: BeginTime

End Time The time that the task completed.MBean: weblogic.management.
runtime.TaskRuntimeMBeanAttribute: EndTime

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