Server --> Monitoring --> JMS

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes



This tab provides statistics on JMS servers and connections on your server. This page also provides links to the tables of active JMS connections, active JMS servers, and active pooled JMS connections, which monitor such attributes as total current sessions.

Totals for JMS server statistics are displayed on the page. You can also click the monitoring text links to monitor all active JMS servers, connections, and pooled JMS connections, which are session pools used by EJBs and servlets that use a resource-reference element in their EJB deployment descriptor to define their JMS connection factories.



Active JMS Connections

Active JMS Servers

JMS Pooled Connections


Related Topics

Monitoring a Welogic Server Domainin the Administration Guide



Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Current Connections The current number of connections to this WebLogic Server.MBean:
runtime.JMSRuntimeMBeanAttribute: ConnectionsCurrentCount

Connections High The peak number of connections to this WebLogic Server since the last reset.MBean:
runtime.JMSRuntimeMBeanAttribute: ConnectionsHighCount

Total Connections The total number of connections made to this WebLogic Server since the last reset.MBean:
runtime.JMSRuntimeMBeanAttribute: ConnectionsTotalCount

Current JMS Servers The current number of JMS servers that are deployed on this WebLogic Server instance.MBean:
runtime.JMSRuntimeMBeanAttribute: JMSServersCurrentCount

Servers High The peak number of JMS servers that were deployed on this WebLogic Server instance since the server was started.MBean:
runtime.JMSRuntimeMBeanAttribute: JMSServersHighCount

Servers Total The number of JMS servers that were deployed on this WebLogic Server instance since the server was started.MBean:
runtime.JMSRuntimeMBeanAttribute: JMSServersTotalCount

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