Server --> Control --> JTA Migration Config.
On the Server
- > Control- > JTA Migration Config tab in the Administration Console, you can limit the choices of the servers to use as a Transaction Recovery Service backup for a server in a cluster. For example, only certain servers in your cluster may have access to the transaction log files for a server. When you select target servers in the Server- > Control- > JTA Migration Config tab, you can limit the list of destination servers available on the Server- > Control- > Migrate JTA tab.The Server
- > Control- > JTA Migration Config tab shows a list of Available servers (servers in the cluster) and a list of Chosen server. If you do not specify a list of chosen servers, you can migrate the Transaction Recovery Service to any server in the cluster.Notes: You can only migrate the Transaction Recovery Service from one server in a cluster to another server in the same cluster that can access the transaction log of the failed server.
If you specify a list of chosen servers, you must include the current server in the list or you will not be able to migrate the service back to the server after transactions are recovered.
Constraining the Servers to Which the Transaction Recovery Service can Migrate
Preparing to Migrate the Transaction Recovery Service
Migrating the Transaction Recovery Service to a Server in the Same Cluster
Viewing Current Owner of the Transaction Recovery Service
Manually Migrating the Transaction Recovery Service Back to the Original Server
Related Topics
Transaction Recovery After a Server Fails
Setting the Transaction Log File Location (Prefix)
Migrating a Pinned Service to a Target Server Instance"
Migrating When the Currently Active Host is Unavailable"