Server --> Configuration --> Deployment
Tasks Related Topics Attributes
Use the Server-->Configuration-->Deployments tab to:
- Specify whether deployment should copy the applications's files to the managed server's staging area (StagingMode)
- Set the location to which files should be staged (StagingDirectoryName)
- Specify the target directory path on the Admin Server for uploaded files (upload directory)
Setting the Server Staging Mode
Deploying New Applications and Modules
Related Topics
Attribute Label
Value Constraints
Staging Mode During application preparation, the application's files are copied from the source on the admin server to the managed server's staging area. If this attribute is nostage or external_stage, the copy will not occur. This is useful when the staging area is a shared directory, already containing the application files, or if this is a single server domain. The administrator must ensure that the managed server's staging directory is set appropriately. Deployment errors will result if the application is not available during the preparation or activation of the application. This attribute can be overridden with the ApplicationMBean StagingMode attribute.MBean:
configuration.ServerMBeanAttribute: StagingModeDefault: nullValid values:
- stage
- nostage
- external_stage
Staging Directory Name Identifies the directory path on the managed server where all staged (prepared) applications are placed. This attribute is not dynamic. If an absolute directory name is not specified, the path is relative to rootdirectory/ Once configured, this attribute may not be changed. Remove all applications from the server prior to changing this attribute. Changes to this attribute require a server restart to take effect. The default staging directory is "stage", relative to the server root..
Upload Directory Name Identifies the directory path on the AdminServer where all uploaded applications are placed. If an absolute directory name is not specified, the path is relative to rootdirectory/ The default staging directory is "stage", relative to the server root.. On the ManagedServer this returns null, and is not configurableMBean:
configuration.ServerMBeanAttribute: UploadDirectoryNameDynamic: yes