Jolt Connection Pool --> Configuration --> Addresses

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Jolt provides connection failure handling by using two lists of Jolt Service Listeners (JSL) addresses for each connection pool: a primary list and a failover list. Jolt provides connection failure handling in the following cases:

  • When WebLogic Server is booted: If no JSL defined in the primary address list is accessible at server startup, Jolt uses JSL addresses from the failover list.
  • When a Jolt pool loses an active connection: WebLogic Server tries to reconnect by using other addresses from the primary address list. If all addresses in the primary list fail, WebLogic Server tries to reconnect using addresses from the failover list. Lost connections are restarted only when they are needed.



Configuring Connection Failure Handling


Related Topics

BEA Jolt



Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Primary Addresses Defines a list of primary addresses used to establish a connection between the Jolt connection pool and Tuxedo.
Failover Addresses Defines a list of addresses used if connections defined by the primary addresses cannot be established or fail.

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