JMS Server --> Configuration --> General
Tasks Related Topics Attributes
This tab defines general configuration attributes for an instance of a JMS server. A JMS server manages connections and message requests on behalf of clients. You must first configure a JMS server before you can configure any destinations or consumers.
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Attribute Label
Value Constraints
Name The name of this JMS server configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.MBean:
JMSServerMBeanAttribute: Name
Store The persistent store (either a disk-based file or a JDBC-accessible database) for this JMS server, which will be used as a physical repository for storing persistent message data.In order to select a store, first configure either a JMS file store or JMS JDBC store. The selected store cannot be the same as the selected paging store, or the same store used by any other JMS server.MBean:
JMSServerMBeanAttribute: Store
Paging Store The name of the paging store for this JMS server, which is used exclusively for paging out non-persistent messages for the JMS server and its destinations. In order to select a paging store, first configure a JMS file store to be used only as a paging store. The selected paging store cannot be the same as the selected non-paging store, or the same store used by any other JMS server.It is best to use a JMS file store rather than a JMS JDBC store, as the JDBC store will perform poorly in comparison without any real benefit.Note: Message paging is not enabled by default. However, a message paging store will be automatically created when either bytes paging or messages paging is enabled on the JMS server or it's destinations without preconfiguring a message paging store.MBean:
JMSServerMBeanAttribute: PagingStore
Temporary Template The name of an existing JMS template to use when creating all temporary queues and topics for this JMS server. Specifying a value for this field allows JMS applications to create temporary destinations.The attribute values for a temporary destination are derived from the specified JMS template. If provided as part of the JMS template, the Store attribute values are ignored because temporary destinations do not support persistent messaging.Note: If this attribute is set to None, attempts to create a temporary destination will fail. MBean:
JMSServerMBeanAttribute: TemporaryTemplateDefault: null Expiration Scan Interval The amount of time, in seconds, that the JMS server pauses between its cycles of scanning its destinations for expired messages to process (acccording to the specified Expiration Policy on the destinations). The default value is 30 seconds. A value of 0 indicates that active scanning is disabled; messages still expire, but are cleaned up less quickly.Setting this value to a very large value also effectively disables active scanning for expired messages from the system. Users will not receive expired messages, and any expired messages that are discovered are removed form the system. However, expired messages sitting in idle destinations (i.e., an inactive queue or disconnected durable subscriber) will not be removed and will continue to consume system resources. The scanning and processing cycle for expired messages occurs as follows:
- After the specified waiting period, the JMS server devotes a separate thread to scan all of its local destinations for expired messages.
- After the scanning is completed, all discovered expired messages are processed according to the specified Expiration Policy on the destinations (Discard, Log, or Redirect).
Note: Since a new scan will not start until the current one is finished and the specified waiting period ends, an expired message could still remain in the system for the maximum scan waiting period plus the amount of time it takes to perform the scan and processing. MBean:
- The entire process repeats after another specified waiting period.
JMSServerMBeanAttribute: ExpirationScanIntervalUnits: secondsMinimum: 0Maximum: 2147483647Default: 30Dynamic: yes