Durable Subscribers
This page shows the durable subscribers that are running on your JMS topics. WebLogic JMS stores durable subscribers in a persistent, disk-based file store or JDBC-accessible database until the message has been delivered to the subscribers or has expired, even if those subscribers are not active when the message is delivered.
- For more destination monitoring information, see Active JMS Destinations.
- For more information on creating durable subscribers, see "Developing a WebLogic JMS Application in Programming WebLogic JMS.
Durable Subscriber Information
Client ID - The unique client ID for this durable subscriber.
Subscription Name - The subscription name for this durable subscriber.
No Local - The noLocal flag for this durable subscriber, which when enabled, can prevent an application from receiving messages it has published itself.
Active - Determines whether this subscription is being used by a durable subscriber.
Selector - If specified, the message selector for filtering messages.
Messages Pending Count - Number of messages that are pending by this durable subscriber as the result of an uncommitted transaction or an acknowledgement. Pending messages are over and above the current number of messages.
Messages Current Count - The number of messages still available by this durable subscriber.
Bytes Pending Count - Number of bytes that are pending by this durable subscriber as the result of an uncommitted transaction or an acknowledgement. Pending bytes are over and above the current number of bytes.
Bytes Current Count - The number of bytes received by this durable subscriber.