JMS Bridge Destination --> Configuration

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes



This tab defines the configuration attributes for a JMS Bridge Destination - either for WebLogic JMS or a third-party JMS product. Attributes on this tab include the name of the JMS bridge destination within the domain, the JNDI name of the adapter used to communicate with the specified destination, the adapter CLASSPATH, properties to pass to the adapter, and the destination type (queue or topic).

Optionally, you can also specify a user name and password for each target and source JMS bridge destination.



Configuring JMS Bridge Destinations


Related Topics

Simple Access to Remote or Foreign JMS Providers



Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Name A JMS bridge destination name for the actual JMS destination being mapped to the bridge. This name must be unique across a WebLogic domain. For example, if you are bridging between WebLogic Server releases 6.1 and 8.1, for the source destination you could change the default bridge destination name to "61to81SourceDestination". Then, when you create the corresponding target destination, you could name it as "61to81TargetDestination". Once the bridge destinations are configured, these names are listed as options in the Source Destination and Target Destination attributes on the Bridges - > General tab.MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: Name

Adapter JNDI Name The JNDI name of the resource adapter used to communicate with the JMS bridge destination. This name is specified in the adapter's deployment descriptor file and is used by the WebLogic Server Connector container to bind the adapter in WebLogic Server JNDI.

Note: If the adapter isn't deployed, use the Deployments -> Connector Modules node to deploy it.MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: AdapterJNDIName

Adapter Classpath The CLASSPATH of the JMS bridge destination. This is used mainly to connect to another release of WebLogic Server. When connecting to a destination that is running on WebLogic Server 6.0 or earlier, the bridge destination must supply a CLASSPATH that indicates the locations of the classes for the earlier WebLogic Server implementation.

Note: When connecting to a third-party JMS product, the bridge destination must supply the product's CLASSPATH in the WebLogic Server CLASSPATH. MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: Classpath

Connection URL The connection URL for a JMS bridge destination. MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: ConnectionURL

Initial Context Factory The initial context factory name for a JMS bridge destination. MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: InitialContextFactory
Default: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory
Connection Factory JNDI Name The JMS connection factory used to create a connection for the actual JMS destination being mapped to the JMS bridge destination.

Note: In order to use the Exactly-once quality of service for transactions, the connection factory has to be a XAConnection Factory. MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: ConnectionFactoryJNDIName

Default: null
Destination JNDI Name The JNDI name of the actual JMS destination being mapped to the JMS bridge destination.MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: DestinationJNDIName
Default: null
Destination Type The destination type (queue or topic) for a JMS bridge destination. MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: DestinationType
Default: QueueValid values:

  • Queue

  • Topic
User Name The optional user name that the adapter will use to access the bridge destination.

Note: All operations done to the specified destination are done using this user name and the corresponding password. Therefore, the User Name/Password for the source and target destinations must have permission to the access the underlying destinations in order for the messaging bridge to work. MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: UserName

User Password The user password that the adapter uses to access the bridge destination. MBean:
JMSBridgeDestinationMBeanAttribute: UserPassword
Encrypted: yes

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