JDBC Data Source Assistant --> Connect to connection pool

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This page includes the following option:

Pool Name - Select the connection pool to which the data source will point. Applications get a connection from the underlying connection pool by looking up the data source on the JNDI tree and then requesting a connection from the data source. The pool you select will be used to provide the connection when applications request a connection from this data source. Note that the list of connection pools is constrained by the Honor Global Transactions option setting in the previous step. If you deselect the option, the list of connection pools only includes connection pools that use a non-XA JDBC driver and MultiPools configured in your domain.

If there are no appropriate connection pools, you cannot create the data source. You must first create a connection pool. For data sources without support for global transactions, create a connection pool that uses a non-XA JDBC driver.



Creating and Configuring a JDBC Data Source


Related Topics

Configuring JDBC DataSources

Creating and Deploying JDBC Components - Connection Pools, MultiPools, and Data Sources

Connection Pool and Data Source Configuration Guidelines

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