JDBC MultiPool --> Configuration --> Pools

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes



On the JDBC MultiPool - >Configuration - >Pools tab, you select the connection pools to include in the multipool. A multipool is a "pool of connection pools."

Note: MultiPools are not supported for use in distributed transactions. You cannot use connections from a connection pool within a MultiPool if the connection pool uses an XA driver to create database connections.



Creating and Configuring a JDBC MultiPool

Cloning a JDBC MultiPool

Deploying a JDBC MultiPool on One or More Servers and Clusters

Creating and Configuring a JDBC Connection Pool


Related Topics

JDBC MultiPools

Creating and Deploying JDBC Components - Connection Pools, MultiPools, and Data Sources

Using MultiPools in Programming WebLogic JDBC



Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Pool List The list of connection pools in the MultiPool.MBean: weblogic.management.
JDBCMultiPoolMBeanAttribute: PoolList

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