JDBC Connection Pool --> Monitoring

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From the JDBC Connection Pool - >Monitoring tab, you can view information about the state of each deployed instance of the selected connection pool. That is, for each server on which the connection pool is deployed, you can see current status information about the connection pool. By default, the table of information includes the following columns. You can click Customize this view to display additional columns.

Server - Server on which the connection pool is deployed.

State - Current state of the connection pool. Connection pool status relies on connection testing to determine if the connection pool is RUNNING or UNHEALTHY. You must enable connection testing (on create, on reserve, on release, or periodic testing) to make the State value meaningful. Connection pool state can be:

  • RUNNING - Normal state of the connection pool; the connection pool is enabled (deployed and not SUSPENDED).
  • SUSPENDED - Connection pool is disabled.
  • SHUTDOWN - Connection pool is shutdown and all database connections have been closed.
  • UNKNOWN - Connection pool state is unknown.
  • UNHEALTHY - All connections are unavailable. This state occurs if the database server is unavailable when the connection pool is created (creation retry must be enabled) or if all connections have failed connection tests (on creation, on reserve, on release, or periodic testing).

Connections - Number of physical database connections from this instance of the connection pool that are currently in use.

Waiters - Current number of application requests waiting for a connection.

Num Unavailable - Current number of connections that are currently unavailable to applications because the connection is being tested or refreshed.

Additional columns include:

Active Connections Average Count - Average number of active connections in this instance of the JDBC connection pool.

Connection Delay Time - Average time in milliseconds it takes to create a physical database connection. The time is calculated as the sum of the time it takes to create all physical database connections in the connection pool divided by the total number of connections created.

Connections High - Highest number of active database connections in this instance of the connection pool since the connection pool was instantiated. Active connections are connections in use by an application.

Connections Total - Total number of database connections created in this instance of the connection pool since the connection pool was instantiated.

Curr Capacity - Current number of database connections in this instance of the connection pool. The number includes available connections, connections in use by applications, and connections unavailable for testing.

Driver Version - Version of the JDBC driver used in the physical database connections in the connection pool. The driver is displayed as the driver class name followed by the major and minor release number of the driver.

Failures To Reconnect Count - Number of times when this instance of the connection pool attempted to refresh a connection to a database and failed. Failures occur when the database is unavailable or when the network fails.

Highest Num Unavailable - Highest number of unavailable connections in this instance of the connection pool since the connection pool was instantiated.

Max Capacity - Maximum number of database connections that this connection pool can contain.

Wait Seconds High - Highest number of seconds that an application waited for a connection from this instance of the connection pool since the connection pool was instantiated.

Waiters High - Highest number of application requests concurrently waiting for a connection from this instance of the connection pool.



Monitoring Connections in a JDBC Connection Pool

Creating and Configuring a JDBC Connection Pool


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Connection Testing Options

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