EJB --> Configuration --> Compiler options

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You can configure EJB compiler options in the Configuration tab of the Administration Console. The weblogic.appc and weblogic.ejbc utilities generate and compile container classes if you want to compile the .ear or .jar file for deployment into the EJB container. Although you can configure options for this utility at the command line, you may find it more convenient to configure the more commonly used options in the Administration Console.



Configuring Compiler Options


Related Topics

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Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Java Compiler The path to the Java compiler to use to compile EJB's (e.g. "sj" or "javac"). Note: the default for this attribute must be null. If no JavaCompiler is specified on this specific EJBComponent, the default will be pulled in the following order from - EJBContainerMBean - Server.JavaCompiler.MBean: weblogic.management.
EJBComponentMBeanAttribute: JavaCompiler
Default: null
Extra RMI Compiler Options The extra options passed to the RMI compiler during server-side generation. Note: the default for this attribute must be null. If no extra RMI compiler options are specified on the EJBComponent, the default will be pulled from the server MBean.MBean: weblogic.management.
EJBComponentMBeanAttribute: ExtraRmicOptions
Default: null
Extra EJB Compiler Options The extra options passed to the EJB compiler during server-side generation. Note: the default for this attribute must be null. If no
extra EJB compiler options are specified on the EJBComponent, the default will be pulled from Server.ExtraEJBCOptions.MBean: weblogic.management.
EJBComponentMBeanAttribute: ExtraEJBCOptions
Default: null
Keep Generated Source Files Return true if the EJB compiler should keep its generated source files, false if it should delete them after compiling them.MBean: weblogic.management.
EJBComponentMBeanAttribute: KeepGenerated
Default: trueValid values:

  • true

  • false
Force Generation Return true if the EJB compiler should force regeneration of wrapper classes, false if it should regenerate the files only if it determines it needs to do so.MBean: weblogic.management.
EJBComponentMBeanAttribute: ForceGeneration
Default: falseValid values:

  • true

  • false

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