
Overview  |   Related MBeans  |   Attributes  |   Operations


Provides operations for discovering the attributes and operations of an MBean type that has not yet been instantiated.

The javax.management.ObjectName of this MBean is "com.bea:Name=MBeanTypeService,Type=weblogic.management.mbeanservers.MBeanTypeService".

Fully Qualified Interface Name If you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.


This section describes the following operations:



Returns the MBean info object for the specified interface.

For example,
MBeanServerConnection.invoke(MBeanTypeServiceMBean, "getMBeanInfo",
new Object[] { "weblogic.security.providers.authorization.DefaultAuthorizationProviderMBean" }
new String[] { "java.lang.String" });

Operation Name "getMBeanInfo"    
Parameters Object [] {  beanInterface }


  • beanInterface is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

    The fully-qualified interface name of the MBean.

Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns ModelMBeanInfo

  • javax.management.OperationsException



Returns the names of all MBean types that extend or implement the specified MBean.

Operation Name "getSubtypes"    
Parameters Object [] {  beanInterface }


  • beanInterface is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

    The fully-qualified interface name of the base MBean.

Signature String [] { "java.lang.String" }
Returns class



Validates that the specified attribute value complies with the contraints for that attribute.

This operation evaluates the following types of constraints:

  • If the value you specify falls within an allowed minimum or maximum range.

  • If the value you specify is one of a set of enumerated allowed values.

  • If you pass a null value, this operation evaluates whether the attribute is allowed to contain a null value.

There are two signatures for this operation. One takes the interface name of an MBean type and the other takes the javax.management.ObjectName of an MBean instance.

Operation Name "validateAttribute"    
Parameters Object [] {  beanInterfaceattribute }


  • beanInterface is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

    The fully-qualified interface name of the MBean that contains the attribute.

  • attribute is an object of type javax.management.Attribute that specifies:

    The name of the attribute and a proposed value.

Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "javax.management.Attribute" }
Returns void

  • javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException
    AttributeNotFoundException if the attribute is not specified for the interface.

  • javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException
    InvalidAttributeValueException if the value violates any of the constraints

  • javax.management.MBeanException
    MBeanException if the interface is not recognized.

  • javax.management.ReflectionException
    ReflectionException if the attribute type or the bean interface cannot be loaded.



Validates that the specified attribute value complies with the contraints for that attribute.

This operation evaluates the following types of constraints:

  • If the value you specify falls within an allowed minimum or maximum range.

  • If the value you specify is one of a set of enumerated allowed values.

  • If you pass a null value, this operation evaluates whether the attribute is allowed to contain a null value.

There are two signatures for this operation. One takes the interface name of an MBean type and the other takes the javax.management.ObjectName of an MBean instance.

Operation Name "validateAttribute"    
Parameters Object [] {  beanInstanceattribute }


  • beanInstance is an object of type javax.management.ObjectName that specifies:

    An MBean instance.

  • attribute is an object of type javax.management.Attribute that specifies:

    The name of the attribute and a proposed value.

Signature String [] { "javax.management.ObjectName", "javax.management.Attribute" }
Returns void

  • javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException
    AttributeNotFoundException if the attribute is not specified for the interface.

  • javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException
    InvalidAttributeValueException if the value violates any of the constraints

  • javax.management.MBeanException
    MBeanException if the interface is not recognized.

  • javax.management.ReflectionException
    ReflectionException if the attribute type or the bean interface cannot be loaded.



Validates a set of attributes with a single invocation.

If all of the attribute values are valid, this operation returns an empty AttributeList. For each invalid attribute value, operation stores an exception the AttributeList that is returned.

There are two signatures for this operation. One takes the interface name of an MBean type and the other takes the javax.management.ObjectName of an MBean instance.

For more information, see:

Operation Name "validateAttributes"    
Parameters Object [] {  beanInterfaceattributes }


  • beanInterface is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

    The fully-qualified interface name of the MBean that contains the attributes.

  • attributes is an object of type javax.management.AttributeList that specifies:

    The names of the attributes and proposed values.

Signature String [] { "java.lang.String", "javax.management.AttributeList" }
Returns AttributeList

  • javax.management.MBeanException
    MBeanException if the interface is not recognized.

  • javax.management.ReflectionException
    ReflectionException if the attribute type or the bean interface cannot be loaded.



Validates a set of attributes with a single invocation.

If all of the attribute values are valid, this operation returns an empty AttributeList. For each invalid attribute value, operation stores an exception the AttributeList that is returned.

There are two signatures for this operation. One takes the interface name of an MBean type and the other takes the javax.management.ObjectName of an MBean instance.

For more information, see:

Operation Name "validateAttributes"    
Parameters Object [] {  beanInstanceattributes }


  • beanInstance is an object of type javax.management.ObjectName that specifies:

    An MBean instance.

  • attributes is an object of type javax.management.AttributeList that specifies:

    the names of the attributes and a proposed values.

Signature String [] { "javax.management.ObjectName", "javax.management.AttributeList" }
Returns AttributeList

  • javax.management.MBeanException
    MBeanException if the interface is not recognized.

  • javax.management.ReflectionException
    ReflectionException if the attribute type or the bean interface cannot be loaded.