Overview | Related MBeans | Attributes | Operations
Manages changes to the configuration of the current WebLogic Server domain. The operations in this MBean start and stop edit sessions, save, undo, and activate configuration changes.
The general process for changing the configuration of a domain is as follows:
Use this MBean's
startEdit() operation to start an edit session.
When you start an edit session, WebLogic Server locks other users from editing the pending configuration MBean hierarchy. If two users start an edit session under the same user identity, changes from both users are collected into a single set of changes.
The operation returns the pending
DomainMBean, which is the root of the configuration MBean hierarchy.
Navigate to an MBean and change the value of its attributes or add or remove a child MBean.
Save your changes.
Your saved changes are written to the domain's pending configuration files.
(Optional) Make additional changes or undo the changes.
Use this MBean's
activate() operation to activate the saved changes.
When you activate, the changes are propagated to all the servers in the domain and applied to the running configuration.
Since Security roles The following roles have read, write, and invoke permission for all non-encrypted attributes and operations in this MBean:
- Deployer
Fully Qualified Interface Name If you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.
Related MBeans
This section describes attributes that provide access to other MBeans. For more information about the MBean hierarchy, refer to WebLogic Server MBean Data Model.
Returns the list of all
ActivationTaskMBean instances that have been created.
Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent. Privileges Read only Type ActivationTaskMBean[] Relationship type: Containment.
Contains the
ActivationTaskMBeans that provide information about activation tasks that are in progress.
For more information, see:
Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent. Privileges Read only Type ActivationTaskMBean[] Relationship type: Containment.
Contains all
ActivationTaskMBeans that are stored in memory and that describe activation tasks that have completed.
Factory Methods No explicit creator method. The child shares the lifecycle of its parent. Privileges Read only Type ActivationTaskMBean[] Relationship type: Containment.
This section describes the following attributes:
Change objects for all of the unsaved changes in the current edit session. Each change to an MBean attribute is represented in its own
Change object.
Privileges Read only Type interface[] Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The maximum number of
ActivationTaskMBeans that WebLogic Server keeps in memory.
ActivationTaskMBean contains one
Change object for each change that was activated. The MBean and its
Change objects describe which user activated the changes, when the changes were activated, and which MBean attributes were modified.
WebLogic Server does not save this data to disk, and therefore it is not available across sessions of the Administration Server.
Because a large collection of
ActivationTaskMBeans could potentially use a significant amount of memory, the default number is 10.
Privileges Read/Write Type long
The name of the user who started the current edit session.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Whether the edit session is exclusive as determined by the exclusive parameter of the
startEdit operation.
Privileges Read only Type boolean Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The time at which the current edit session expires as determined by the timeout parameter of the
startEdit operation.
Privileges Read only Type long Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The time at which the current edit session started.
Privileges Read only Type long Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Returns true if the caller started the current edit session.
Privileges Read only Type boolean Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Name of
A unique key that WebLogic Server generates to identify the current instance of this MBean type.
For a singleton, such as
DomainRuntimeServiceMBean, this key is often just the bean's short class name.
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The name of the attribute of the parent that refers to this bean
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The MBean that created the current MBean instance.
In the data model for WebLogic Server MBeans, an MBean that creates another MBean is called a parent. MBeans at the top of the hierarchy have no parents.
Privileges Read only Type Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Returns the path to the bean relative to the reoot of the heirarchy of services
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
The MBean type for this instance. This is useful for MBean types that support multiple intances, such as
Privileges Read only Type java.lang.String Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Change objects for all changes (saved or unsaved) that have been made since the
activate operation completed successfully. This includes any changes that have been saved but not activated in the current and previous edit sessions.
Each change to an MBean attribute is described in its own
Change object.
Privileges Read only Type interface[] Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
This section describes the following operations:
Activates the changes that have been saved to the pending configuration files.
To activate changes, WebLogic Server copies the pending configuration files to a pending directory within each server instance's root directory. Each server instance determines whether it can consume the changes. If all servers can, then the pending configuration files become the active configuration files and the in-memory hierarchy of active configuration MBeans is updated for each server.
If any server is unable to consume the change, then the activation fails for all servers. All saved changes remain in the pending configuration files and can be activated later.
Operation Name "activate"
Parameters Object [] { timeout }
timeout is an object of type
java.lang.Long that specifies:
long that contains the time (milliseconds) for the operation to complete. If the elasped time exceeds that value, then the activation of the configuration changes will be canceled. If -1, then the activation will not timeout. If a non-zero timeout is specified, then the activate will wait until the activate operation has completed or until the timeout period has elasped. If a zero timeout is specified, then the activate will return immediately and the caller can wait for completion using the ActivationTaskMBean.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.Long" }
Returns ActivationTaskMBean
NotEditorException thrown if the caller did not start the current edit session.
Cancels the current edit session, releases the edit lock, and enables other users to start an edit session. Any unsaved changes are discarded.
This operation can be called by any user with administrator privileges, even if the user is not the one who started the edit session. Use this operation to cancel an edit session when the current editor can not be contacted to stop an edit session and release the lock.
Operation Name "cancelEdit"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void
Change objects for the changes required to destroy the specified instance of a configuration bean. Each change to an MBean attribute is represented in its own
Change object.
Operation Name "getChangesToDestroyBean"
Parameters Object [] { configurationMBean }
configurationMBean is an object of type
weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean that specifies:
Signature String [] { "weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean" }
Returns class
Returns true if any changes (saved or unsaved) have been made since the
activate operation completed successfully. This includes any changes that have been saved but not activated in the current and previous edit sessions.
Operation Name "haveUnactivatedChanges"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns boolean
Purges from memory all
ActivationTaskMBeans that represent completed activation tasks.
Operation Name "purgeCompletedActivationTasks"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void
Removes references to bean that must be removed in order to destroy the specified instance of a configuration bean.
Operation Name "removeReferencesToBean"
Parameters Object [] { configurationMBean }
configurationMBean is an object of type
weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean that specifies:
Signature String [] { "weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean" }
Returns void
NotEditorException thrown if the caller did not start the current edit session.
Validates unsaved changes and saves them to the pending configuration files on disk.
Operation Name "save"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void
NotEditorException thrown if the caller did not start the current edit
ValidationException thrown if an validation error occurs while saving changes.
Starts an edit session on behalf of the currently authenticated user and prevents other users from editing the configuration for the duration of the session. A user must call this operation before modifying the configuration of the domain.
Prevents multiple users or processes from starting an edit session under the same user identity.
Operation Name "startEdit"
Parameters Object [] { waitTimeInMillis, timeOutInMillis, exclusive }
waitTimeInMillis is an object of type
java.lang.Integer that specifies:
Prevents other uses from starting an edit session until waitTimeInMillis expires, edits are activated, or the edit session is stopped. If the value of waitTimeInMillis is 0 and an edit session is active, this operation returns immediately. To block indefinitely, specify a value of -1.
timeOutInMillis is an object of type
java.lang.Integer that specifies:
Specifies the number of milliseconds after which the lock on the configuration is no longer guaranteed. This time out is enforced lazily. If no other user starts an edit session after the timeout expires, the unsaved changes are left intact and may be saved. If another user starts an edit session after the timeout expires, unsaved changes are automatically reverted and the lock is given to that new user. Specify a value of -1 to indicate that you do not want the edit to time out. In this case, if you do not stop your edit session, only an administrator can stop the edit session by invokeing the cancelEdit operation.
exclusive is an object of type
java.lang.Boolean that specifies:
Whether the edit session should be exclusive. An edit session will cause a subsequent call to startEdit by the same owner to wait until the edit session lock is released.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Boolean" }
Returns DomainMBean
EditTimedOutException thrown when the start edit request times out because the wait time has elasped and another user still has the edit session.
Starts an edit session on behalf of the currently authenticated user and prevents other users from editing the configuration for the duration of the session. A user must call this operation before modifying the configuration of the domain.
If two users or processes start an edit session under the same user identity, changes from both users are collected into a single set of changes.
Operation Name "startEdit"
Parameters Object [] { waitTimeInMillis, timeOutInMillis }
waitTimeInMillis is an object of type
java.lang.Integer that specifies:
Prevents other uses from starting an edit session until waitTimeInMillis expires, edits are activated, or the edit session is stopped. If the value of waitTimeInMillis is 0 and an edit session is active, this operation returns immediately. To block indefinitely, specify a value of -1.
timeOutInMillis is an object of type
java.lang.Integer that specifies:
Specifies the number of milliseconds after which the lock on the configuration is no longer guaranteed. This time out is enforced lazily. If no other user starts an edit session after the timeout expires, the unsaved changes are left intact and may be saved. If another user starts an edit session after the timeout expires, unsaved changes are automatically reverted and the lock is given to that new user. Specify a value of -1 to indicate that you do not want the edit to time out. In this case, if you do not stop your edit session, only an administrator can stop the edit session by invokeing the cancelEdit operation.
Signature String [] { "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Integer" }
Returns DomainMBean
EditTimedOutException thrown when the start edit request times out because the wait time has elasped and another user still has the edit session.
Stops the current edit session, releases the edit lock, and enables other users to start an edit session. Any unsaved changes are discarded.
This operation can be invoked only by the user who started the edit session.
Operation Name "stopEdit"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void
NotEditorException thrown if the caller did not start the current edit session.
Undoes all unsaved changes. This reverts the hierarchy of pending configuration MBeans to the last saved state of the pending configuration files, discarding in-memory changes.
Operation Name "undo"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void
NotEditorException thrown if the caller did not start the current edit session.
Undoes all of the changes (saved or unsaved) that have been made since the
activate operation completed successfully. This includes any changes that have been saved but not activated in the current and previous edit sessions.
This reverts the hierarchy of pending configuration MBeans to the last successful activate state of the domain, discarding any changes made but not activated.
Operation Name "undoUnactivatedChanges"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void
NotEditorException thrown if the caller did not start the current edit session.
Verifies that all unsaved changes satisfy dependencies between MBean attributes and makes other checks that cannot be made at the time that you set the value of a single attribute.
save operation also validates changes, but you can use this (
validate) operation to check that changes are valid before saving them.
Operation Name "validate"
Parameters null
Signature null
Returns void
NotEditorException thrown if the caller did not start the current edit
ValidationException thrown if an validation error occurs while validating changes.