Programming Advanced Features of WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC


Creating Conversational Web Services

The following sections describe how to create a conversational Web Service:


Overview of Conversational Web Services

A Web Service and the client application that invokes it may communicate multiple times to complete a single task. Also, multiple client applications might communicate with the same Web Service at the same time. Conversations provide a straightforward way to keep track of data between calls and to ensure that the Web Service always responds to the correct client.

Conversations meet two challenges inherent in persisting data across multiple communications:

WebLogic Server manages this unique ID and state by creating a conversation context each time a client application initiates a new conversation. The Web Service then uses the context to correlate calls to and from the service and to persist its state-related data.

Conversations between a client application and a Web Service have three distinct phases:

Conversations typically occur between two WebLogic Web Services: one is marked conversational and defines the start, continue, and finish operations and the other Web Service uses the @ServiceClient annotation to specify that it is a client of the conversational Web Service. You can also invoke a conversational Web Service from a stand-alone Java client, although there are restrictions.

As with other WebLogic Web Service features, you use JWS annotations to specify that a Web Service is conversational.

The client Web Service that invokes a conversational Web Service is not required to also be conversational. However, if the client is not conversational, there is a danger of multiple instances of this client accessing the same conversational Web Service stub and possibly corrupting the saved conversational state. If you believe this might true in your case, then specify that the client Web Service also be conversational. In this case you cannot use a stand-alone Java client, because there is no way to mark it as conversational using the WebLogic APIs.

Note: A conversational Web Service on its own does not guarantee message delivery or that the messages are delivered in order, exactly once. If you require this kind of message delivery guarantee, also specify that the Web Service be reliable. See Using Web Services Reliable Messaging and Using the Asynchronous Features Together.


Creating a Conversational Web Service: Main Steps

The following procedure describes how to create a conversational Web Service, as well as a client Web Service and stand-alone Java client application, both of which initiate and conduct a conversation. The procedure shows how to create the JWS files that implement the two Web Services from scratch. If you want to update existing JWS files, you can also use this procedure as a guide.

It is assumed that you have set up an Ant-based development environment and that you have a working build.xml file to which you can add targets for running the jwsc Ant task and deploying the generated conversational Web Service. It is further assumed that you have a similar setup for the WebLogic Server instance that hosts the client Web Service that initiates the conversation. For more information, see the following sections in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC:


Programming Guidelines for the Conversational JWS File

The following example shows a simple JWS file that implements a conversational Web Service; see the explanation after the example for coding guidelines that correspond to the Java code in bold.

package examples.webservices.conversation;
import weblogic.jws.WLHttpTransport;

import weblogic.jws.Conversation;
import weblogic.jws.Conversational;
import weblogic.jws.Context;
import weblogic.wsee.jws.JwsContext;

import weblogic.wsee.jws.ServiceHandle;
import javax.jws.WebService;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
@Conversational(maxIdleTime="10 minutes",

maxAge="1 day",
singlePrincipal=false )



* Conversational Web Service.
public class ConversationalServiceImpl implements Serializable {

private JwsContext ctx;
public String status = "undefined";

@Conversation (Conversation.Phase.START)
public String start() {
    ServiceHandle handle = ctx.getService();

String convID = handle.getConversationID();
    status = "start";

return "Starting conversation, with ID " + convID + " and status equal to " + status;

@Conversation (Conversation.Phase.CONTINUE)
public String middle(String message) {
    status = "middle";

return "Middle of conversation; the message is: " + message + " and status is " + status;

@Conversation (Conversation.Phase.FINISH)
public String finish(String message ) {
    status = "finish";

return "End of conversation; the message is: " + message + " and status is " + status;

Follow these guidelines when programming the JWS file that implements a conversational Web Service. Code snippets of the guidelines are shown in bold in the preceding example.


Programming Guidelines for the JWS File That Invokes a Conversational Web Service

The following example shows a simple JWS file for a Web Service that invokes the conversational Web Service described in Programming Guidelines for the Conversational JWS File; see the explanation after the example for coding guidelines that correspond to the Java code in bold.

package examples.webservices.conversation;
import weblogic.jws.WLHttpTransport;

import weblogic.jws.ServiceClient;
import weblogic.wsee.conversation.ConversationUtils;
import javax.jws.WebService;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import examples.webservices.conversation.ConversationalPortType;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;



* client that has a conversation with the ConversationalService.
public class ConversationalClientImpl {

  private ConversationalPortType port;

public void runConversation(String message) {
    try {
      // Invoke start operation

String result = port.start();
System.out.println("start method executed.");
System.out.println("The message is: " + result);
      // Invoke continue operation

result = port.middle(message );
System.out.println("middle method executed.");
System.out.println("The message is: " + result);
      // Invoke finish operation

result = port.finish(message );
System.out.println("finish method executed.");
System.out.println("The message is: " + result);

catch (RemoteException e) {

Follow these guidelines when programming the JWS file that invokes a conversational Web Service; code snippets of the guidelines are shown in bold in the preceding example:

The client Web Service that invokes a conversational Web Service is not required to also be conversational. However, if the client is not conversational, there is a danger of multiple instances of this client accessing the same conversational Web Service stub and possibly corrupting the saved conversational state. If you believe this might true in your case, then specify that the client Web Service also be conversational.


ConversationUtils Utility Class

WebLogic Server provides a utility class for use with the conversation feature. Use this class to perform common tasks such as getting and setting the conversation ID and setting configuration options. Some of these tasks are performed in the conversational Web Service, some are performed in the client that invokes the conversational Web Service. See Programming Guidelines for the JWS File That Invokes a Conversational Web Service for an example of using this class.

See weblogic.wsee.conversation.ConversationUtils Javadocs for details.


Updating the build.xml File for a Client of a Conversational Web Service

You update a build.xml file to generate the JWS file that invokes a conversational Web Service by adding taskdefs and a build-clientService target that looks something like the following example. See the description after the example for details.

<taskdef name="jwsc"

classname="" />
  <target name="build-clientService">

destdir="${clientService-ear-dir}" >
        <jws file="examples/webservices/conversation/" >


Use the taskdef Ant task to define the full classname of the jwsc Ant tasks.

Update the jwsc Ant task that compiles the client Web Service to include a <clientgen> child element of the <jws> element so as to generate and compile the JAX-RPC stubs for the deployed ConversationalService Web Service. The jwsc Ant task automatically packages them in the generated WAR file so that the client Web Service can immediately access the stubs. You do this because the ConversationalClientImpl JWS file imports and uses one of the generated classes.


Updating a Stand-Alone Java Client to Invoke a Conversational Web Service

The following example shows a simple stand-alone Java client that invokes the conversational Web Service described in Programming Guidelines for the Conversational JWS File. See the explanation after the example for coding guidelines that correspond to the Java code in bold.

package examples.webservices.conv_standalone.client;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;

import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import weblogic.wsee.jaxrpc.WLStub;

* stand-alone client that invokes and converses with ConversationlService.
public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args)

throws ServiceException, RemoteException{
      ConversationalService service = new ConversationalService_Impl(args[0] + "?WSDL");

ConversationalPortType port = service.getConversationalServicePort();
      // Set property on stub to specify that client is invoking a Web Service

// that uses advanced features; this property is automatically set if
// the client runs in a WebLogic Server instance.
      Stub stub = (Stub)port;

stub._setProperty(WLStub.COMPLEX, "true");
      // Invoke start operation to begin the conversation

String result = port.start();
System.out.println("start method executed.");
System.out.println("The message is: " + result);
      // Invoke continue operation

result = port.middle("middle" );
System.out.println("middle method executed.");
System.out.println("The message is: " + result);
      // Invoke finish operation

result = port.finish("finish" );
System.out.println("finish method executed.");
System.out.println("The message is: " + result);

Follow these guidelines when programming the stand-alone Java client that invokes a conversational Web Service. Code snippets of the guidelines are shown in bold in the preceding example.


Client Considerations When Redeploying a Conversational Web Service

WebLogic Server supports production redeployment, which means that you can deploy a new version of an updated conversational WebLogic Web Service alongside an older version of the same Web Service.

WebLogic Server automatically manages client connections so that only new client requests are directed to the new version. Clients already connected to the Web Service during the redeployment continue to use the older version of the service until they complete their work, at which point WebLogic Server automatically retires the older Web Service. If the client is connected to a conversational Web Service, its work is considered complete when the existing conversation is explicitly ended by the client or because of a timeout.

For additional information about production redployment and Web Service clients, see “Client Considerations When Redeploying a Web Service” in Getting Started With WebLogic Web Services Using JAX-RPC.