Developing Custom Management Utilities with JMX

Managing Security Realms with JMX

A security realm comprises mechanisms for protecting WebLogic resources. Each security realm consists of a set of configured security providers, which are modular components that handle specific aspects of security. You can create a JMX client that uses the providers in a realm to add or remove security data such as users and groups. You can also create a client that adds or removes providers and makes other changes to the realm configuration.

The following sections describe managing security realms with JMX:

For more information about WebLogic Security, see Understanding WebLogic Security.


Understanding the Hierarchy of Security MBeans

Like other subsystems, the WebLogic Server security framework organizes its MBeans in a hierarchy that JMX clients can navigate without constructing JMX object names. However, the set of MBean types that are available in a security realm depends on which security providers you have installed in the realm, and the set of services that each security provider enables depends on how the provider was created.

The root of the security realm hierarchy is the RealmMBean. It contains all of the providers that have been configured for the realm. For example, its Authorizers attribute contains all authorization providers that have been configured for the realm. WebLogic Server installs a default set of security providers; therefore, by default the RealmMBean Authorizers attribute contains a DefaultAuthorizerMBean. However, you can uninstall these default providers and replace them with any number of your own providers or third-party providers. For information about the default security providers, see Configuring WebLogic security providers and Configuring Authorization Providers in Securing WebLogic Server.


Base Provider Types and Mix-In Interfaces

Each security provider must extend a base provider type. For example, DefaultAuthorizerMBean extends AuthorizerMBean, and any custom or third-party authorization provider also extends AuthorizerMBean. If a JMX client gets the value of the RealmMBean Authorizers attribute, the MBean server returns all MBeans in the realm that extend AuthorizerMBean. The JMX client can iterate through the list of providers and select one based on the value of its Name attribute or other criteria.

Base provider types can be enhanced by extending a set of optional mix-in interfaces. For example, if an authentication provider extends the UserEditorMBean, then the provider can add users to the realm.


Security MBeans

WebLogic Server's Security MBeans configure security providers in a security realm. The following tables describe the MBeans that configure different types of security providers.

For more information about configuring WebLogic security providers, see Configuring WebLogic security providers and Configuring Authentication Providers in Securing WebLogic Server. Figure 6-1 illustrates where the MBeans are located in the configuration MBean hierarchy.

Table 6-1 MBeans for Authentication security providers
This MBean... Configures...
AuthenticationProviderMBean The base MBean for all MBean implementations that manage Authentication providers. If your Authentication provider uses the WebLogic Security SSPI to provide login services, then your MBean must extend If your Authentication provider uses the WebLogic Security SPI to provide identity-assertion services, then your MBean must extend See AuthenticationProviderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
AuthenticatorMBean The SSPI MBean that all Authentication providers with login services must extend. This MBean provides a ControlFlag to determine whether the Authentication provider is a REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICENT, or OPTIONAL part of the login sequence. See AuthenticatorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
IdentityAsserterMBean The SSPI MBean that all identity assertion providers must extend. This MBean enables an identity assertion provider to specify the token types for which it is capable of asserting identity. See IdentityAsserterMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
ServletAuthenticationFilterMBean The SSPI MBean that all Servlet Authentication Filter providers must extend. This MBean is just a marker interface. It has no methods on it. See ServletAuthenticationFilterMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.


Table 6-2 MBeans for Other security providers
This MBean... Configures...
AdjudicatorMBean The SSPI MBean that all Adjudication providers must extend. See AdjudicatorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DefaultAdjudicatorMBean Configuration attributes for the WebLogic Adjudication provider. See DefaultAdjudicatorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
AuditorMBean The SSPI MBean that all Auditing providers must extend. See AuditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DefaultAuditorMBean Configuration attributes for the WebLogic Auditing provider. See DefaultAuditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
AuthorizerMBean The SSPI MBean that all Authorization providers must extend. See AuthorizerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DeployableAuthorizerMBean The SSPI MBean that must be extended by all Authorization providers that can store policies created while deploying a Web application or EJB. See DeployableAuthorizerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DefaultAuthorizerMBean Configuration attributes for the WebLogic Authorization provider. See DefaultAuthorizerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
CredentialMapperMBean The SSPI MBean that all credential mapping providers must extend. See CredentialMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DeployableCredentialMapperMBean The SSPI MBean that must be extended by all Credential Mapper providers that can store credential maps created while deploying a component. See DeployableCredentialMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DefaultCredentialMapperMBean Configuration attributes for the WebLogic credential mapping provider, a username/password credential mapping provider. See DefaultCredentialMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
PKICredentialMapperMBean Configuration attributes for the PKI credential mapping provider, a key pair credential mapping provider. See PKICredentialMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
SAMLCredentialMapperMBean Configuration attributes for the SAML credential mapping provider, a Security Assertion Markup Language credential mapping provider. See SAMLCredentialMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
CertPathProviderMBean The base MBean for all certification path providers. See CertPathProviderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
CertPathBuilderMBean The SSPI MBean that all certification path providers with CertPathBuilder services must extend. See CertPathBuilderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
CertPathValidatorMBean The SSPI MBean that all certification path providers with CertPathValidator services must extend. See CertPathValidatorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
CertificateRegistryMBean Configures and manages the certificate registry. It is both a builder and a validator. It supports building from the end certificate, the end certificate's subject DN, the end certificate's issuer DN and serial number, and the end certificate's subject key identifier. See CertificateRegistryMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
WebLogicCertPathProviderMBean The SSPI MBean that all certification path providers with CertPathBuilder services must extend. See WebLogicCertPathProviderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
RoleMapperMBean The base MBean for Role Mapping providers. A Role Mapping provider for a non-deployable module must extend this MBean directly. A Role Mapping provider for a deployable module must extend the DeployableRoleMapperMBean. See RoleMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DeployableRoleMapperMBean The SSPI MBean that must be extended by Role Mapping providers that can store roles created while deploying a Web application or EJB. See DeployableRoleMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
DefaultRoleMapperMBean Configuration attributes for the WebLogic Role Mapping provider. See DefaultRoleMapperMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.


Table 6-3 MBean Mixin Interfaces for security providers
This MBean... Configures...
ContextHandlerMBean Provides a set of attributes for ContextHandler support. An Auditor provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See ContextHandlerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
GroupEditorMBean Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing groups. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See GroupEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
GroupMemberListerMBean Provides a method for listing a group's members. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See GroupMemberListerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
GroupMembershipHierarchyCacheMBean Provides configuration attributes that are required to support the Group Membership Hierarchy Cache. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See GroupMembershipHierarchyCacheMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
GroupReaderMBean Provides a set of methods for reading data about groups. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See GroupReaderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
MemberGroupListerMBean Provides a method for listing the groups that contain a member. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See MemberGroupListerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserEditorMBean Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing users. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See UserEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserLockoutManagerMBean Lists and manages lockouts on user accounts. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See UserLockoutManagerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserPasswordEditorMBean Provides two methods for changing a user's password. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See UserPasswordEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserReaderMBean Provides a set of methods for reading data about users. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See UserReaderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserRemoverMBean Provides a method for removing users. An Authentication provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See UserRemoverMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
RoleEditorMBean Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing roles. A Role Mapping provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See RoleEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
RoleListerMBean Provides a set of methods for listing data about roles. A Role Mapping provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See RoleListerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
RoleReaderMBean Provides a set of methods for reading roles. A Role Mapping provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See RoleReaderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
PolicyEditorMBean Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing policies. An Authorization provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See PolicyEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
PolicyListerMBean Provides a set of methods for listing data about policies. An Authorization provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See PolicyListerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
PolicyReaderMBean Provides a set of methods for reading policies. An Authorization provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See PolicyReaderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
PKICredentialMapEditorMBean Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing a credential map that matches users, resources and credential action to keystore aliases and the corresponding passwords. A PKICredentialMapping provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See PKICredentialMapEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
PKICredentialMapReaderMBean Provides a set of methods for reading a credential map that matches users and resources to keystore aliases and their corresponding passwords that can then be used to retrieve key information or public certificate information from the configured keystores. A PKICredentialMapping provider MBean can optionally implement this MBean. See PKICredentialMapReaderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean Provides a set of methods for creating, editing, and removing a credential map that matches WebLogic users to remote usernames and their corresponding passwords. A credential mapping provider MBean can optionally extend this MBean. See UserPasswordCredentialMapEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserPasswordCredentialMapExtendedReaderMBean Provides a set of methods for reading credentials and credential mappings. Credential mappings match WebLogic users to remote usernames and passwords. A credential mapping provider MBean can optionally extend this MBean. See UserPasswordCredentialMapExtendedReaderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean Provides a set of methods for reading credentials and credential mappings. Credential mappings match WebLogic users to remote usernames and passwords. A credential mapping provider MBean can optionally extend this MBean. See UserPasswordCredentialMapReaderMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
ImportMBean Provides a set of methods for importing provider specific data. An optional mixin interface that any security provider may extend. See ImportMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
ExportMBean Provides a set of methods for exporting provider specific data. An optional mixin interface that any security provider may extend. See ExportMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
ListerMBean Provides a general mechanism for returning lists. Derived MBeans extend this interface to add methods that access the data of the current object in the list. An optional mixin interface that any security provider may extend. See ListerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
NameListerMBean Defines a method used to return lists of names. An optional mixin interface that any security provider may extend. See Name ofListerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
LDAPServerMBean Provides methods to get configuration parameters needed for connecting to an external LDAP server. An optional mixin interface that any security provider may extend. See LDAPServerMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.
ApplicationVersionerMBean The SSPI MBean that security providers extend to indicate that the provider supports versionable applications. An optional mixin interface that a RoleMapper, Authorizer, or CredentialMapper provider MBean may extend. See ApplicationerVersionMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.

Figure 6-1 Security MBeans

Security MBeans


Choosing an MBean Server to Manage Security Realms

When using JMX to manage security realms, use two different MBean servers depending on your task:

For example, the value of the MinimumPasswordLength attribute in DefaultAuthenticatorMBean is stored in the domain's configuration document. Because all modifications to this document are controlled by WebLogic Server, to change the value of this attribute use the Edit MBean Server and acquire a lock on the domain's configuration. The createUser operation in DefaultAuthenticatorMBean adds data to an LDAP server, which is not controlled by WebLogic Server. To prevent incompatible changes between the DefaultAuthenticatorMBean's configuration and the data that it uses in the LDAP server, you cannot invoke the createUser operation if you or other users are in the process of modifying the MinimumPasswordLength attribute. In addition, because changing this attribute requires you to restart WebLogic Server, you cannot invoke the createUser operation until you have restarted the server.


Working with Existing security providers

Because security providers can extend optional mix-in interfaces, not all security providers can perform all tasks. This flexibility enables your organization's security architect to design a realm for your security needs. The flexibility also makes the design of your JMX clients dependent upon the design and configuration of each realm.

For example, some realms might contain three types of Authentication providers:

To work with the Authentication providers in this realm, your JMX client must be able to determine which one can add users to the appropriate repository.

Table 6-4 discusses techniques for finding a security provider that is appropriate for your task.

Table 6-4 Finding a Provider in the Realm
Technique Description
Find by name Each security provider instance is assigned a short name when an administrator configures it for the realm. Your JMX client can look up all providers of a specific type (such as all Authentication providers) and choose the one that matches a name. For an example of such a JMX client, start the WebLogic Server Examples Server. From the Examples Server home page, click on “Extending a Realm Using JMX.” The source for this JMX client is installed as
actions/ where WL_HOME is the location in which you installed WebLogic Server. If you use this technique, consider saving the name of the security provider in a configuration file instead of hard-coding it in your JMX client. The configuration file enables system administrators to change the providers in the realm and update the properties file instead of requiring you to update and recompile the JMX client.
Find by MBean type If the system administrator always wants to use the same type of provider for a task, then your JMX client can find the provider MBean that is of the specified type. For example, if the system administrator always wants to use a SQLAuthenticatorMBean to add customers to a realm, your JMX client can find an instance of SQLAuthenticatorMBean. While this technique requires no user input, it assumes:

  • There will always be an instance of SQLAuthenticatorMBean in the realm and this one instance extends UserEditorMBean.

  • If there are multiple instances of SQLAuthenticatorMBean, all of them extend UserEditorMBean and it does not matter which instance is used.
See Discovering Available Services.
Use any provider that extends the mix-in interface you need You can create a JMX client that learns about the class hierarchy for each provider MBean instance and chooses an instance that extends the mix-in interface you need for your task. For example, your client can discover which Authentication provider extends UserEditorMBean. See Discovering Available Services. Use this technique if you know that your security realm will contain only one MBean that extends the needed mix-in interface, or if it does not matter which one you use.


Discovering Available Services

To create a JMX client that finds MBeans by type or mix-in interface:

  1. Connect to a WebLogic Server Runtime MBean Server. See Make Remote Connections to an MBean Server.

    All WebLogic Server instances maintain their own Runtime MBean Server, and you can connect to any server's Runtime MBean Server.

  2. Get all security provider MBeans of a specific type in the realm (for example, get all Authentication provider MBeans):

    1. Use either the RuntimeServiceMBean or DomainRuntimeServiceMBean to navigate the following path through the WebLogic Server MBean hierarchy:
      DomainMBean to SecurityConfigurationMBean to RealmMBean.

      See Navigate MBean Hierarchies.

    2. Get the value of the RealmMBean attribute that contains instances of the security provider type.

      For example, to get all Authentication providers, get the value of the RealmMBean AuthenticationProviders attribute.

  3. For each security provider MBean in the RealmMBean attribute, get the name of the MBean's class (see Listing 6-1):

    1. Get the provider MBean's object.

      Use MBeanServerConnection.getMBeanInfo(Provider-MBean)
      where Provider-MBean is a provider MBean that you retrieved from RealmMBean.

    2. Get the MBean info's object, and then get the value of the Descriptor's interfaceClassName field.

  4. Use the WebLogic Server MBean type service to find all security provider MBean classes that extend a particular base type or mix-in interface (see Listing 6-1):

    1. Determine the fully-qualified interface name of the base type or mix-in interface.

      Each entry in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference lists the fully-qualified interface name of WebLogic Server provider MBeans. If you use a third-party provider, refer to the third-party documentation for this information.

      For example, the fully-qualified interface name of the UserEditorMBean mix-in interface is (See UserEditorMBean in the WebLogic Server MBean Reference.)

    2. Construct the MBeanTypeService MBean's object name.

      The MBeanTypeService MBean is always registered under the following

    3. Invoke the MBeanTypeService MBean's getSubtypes( java.lang.String beanInterface ) operation, where:

      beanInterface is the fully-qualified interface name that you determined in Step 1.

      The operation returns an array of java.lang.String objects.

  5. Compare the output of the MBean type service with the class name of each provider MBean instance (see Listing 6-1).

  6. If the provider MBean's class implements or extends the interface from step 4a, invoke operations on the provider MBean. Listing 6-1 Example: Determine If a Provider MBean Instance Extends UserEditorMBean Mix-In Interface
    ObjectName MBTservice = new ObjectName(
    for (int p = 0; atnProviders != null && p < atnProviders.length; p++) {
    ModelMBeanInfo info = (ModelMBeanInfo)
    Descriptor desc = info.getMBeanDescriptor();
    String className = (String)desc.getFieldValue("interfaceClassName");
    String[] mba = (String[]) mBeanServerConnection.invoke( MBTservice,
    "getSubtypes", new Object[] {
    "" },
    new String[] { "java.lang.String" });
    boolean isEditor = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < mba.length; i++) {
    if (mba[i].equals(className)){
    userEditor = atnProviders[p];
    isEditor = true;
    if (isEditor = true) break;

Example: Adding Users to a Realm

The code example in Listing 6-2 adds a user to a security realm and adds the user to the Administrators group by searching through all of the authentication providers in the realm and using the first one that extends UserEditorMBean.

Note the following about the code example:


Modifying the Realm Configuration

While security provider MBeans handle specific aspects of security, such as authentication and authorization, two other MBeans handle general, realm-wide and domain-wide aspects of security:

These two MBeans persist their data in WebLogic Server configuration files. Therefore, to modify attribute values in RealmMBean or SecurityConfigurationMBean, use the Edit MBean Server and ConfigurationManagerMBean as described in Managing a Domain's Configuration with JMX.