Type 4 JDBC Drivers


JDBC Support

This appendix provides information about JDBC compatibility and developing JDBC applications using WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers.


JDBC Compatibility

Table A-1 shows compatibility among the JDBC specification versions, JVMs, and the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers.


Supported Functionality

The following tables list functionality supported for each JDBC object.


Array Object

Table A-2 Array Object
Array Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
(all) 2.0 Core No Array objects are not exposed or used as input.


Blob Object

Table A-3 Blob Object
Blob Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
InputStream getBinaryStream () 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBCLONGVARBINARY data type.
byte[] getBytes (long, int) 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.
long length () 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.
long position (Blob, long) 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The Informix driver requires that the pattern parameter (which specifies the Blob object designating the BLOB value for which to search) be less than or equal to a maximum value of 4096 bytes. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.
long position (byte[], long) 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The Informix driver requires that the pattern parameter (which specifies the byte array for which to search) be less than or equal to a maximum value of 4096 bytes. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.
OutputStream setBinaryStream (long) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.
int setBytes (long, byte[]) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.
int setBytes (long, byte[], int, int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.
void truncate (long) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARBINARY data type.


CallableStatement Object

Table A-4 CallableStatement Object
CallableStatement Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
Array getArray (int) 2.0 Core No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
Array getArray (String) 3.0 No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
BigDecimal getBigDecimal (int) 2.0 Core Yes
BigDecimal getBigDecimal (int, int) 1.0 Yes
BigDecimal getBigDecimal (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Blob getBlob (int) 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARBINARY data type.
Blob getBlob (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
boolean getBoolean (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean getBoolean (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
byte getByte (int) 1.0 Yes
byte getByte (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
byte [] getBytes (int) 1.0 Yes
byte [] getBytes (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Clob getClob (int) 2.0 Core Yes
Clob getClob (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARCHAR data type. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Date getDate (int) 1.0 Yes
Date getDate (int, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
Date getDate (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Date getDate (String, Calendar) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
double getDouble (int) 1.0 Yes
double getDouble (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
float getFloat (int) 1.0 Yes
float getFloat (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
int getInt (int) 1.0 Yes
int getInt (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
long getLong (int) 1.0 Yes
long getLong (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Object getObject (int) 1.0 Yes
Object getObject (int, Map) 2.0 Core Yes Map ignored.
Object getObject (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Object getObject (String, Map) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception. Map ignored.
Ref getRef (int) 2.0 Core No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
Ref getRef (String) 3.0 No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
short getShort (int) 1.0 Yes
short getShort (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
String getString (int) 1.0 Yes
String getString (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Time getTime (int) 1.0 Yes
Time getTime (int, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
Time getTime (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Time getTime (String, Calendar) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Timestamp getTimestamp (int) 1.0 Yes
Timestamp getTimestamp (int, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
Timestamp getTimestamp (String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
Timestamp getTimestamp (String, Calendar) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
URL getURL (int) 3.0 No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
URL getURL (String) 3.0 No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
void registerOutParameter (int, int) 1.0 Yes
void registerOutParameter (int, int, int) 1.0 Yes
void registerOutParameter (int, int, String) 2.0 Core Yes String/typename ignored.
void registerOutParameter (String, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void registerOutParameter (String, int, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void registerOutParameter (String, int, String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception. String/typename ignored.
void setArray (int, Array) 2.0 Core No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
void setAsciiStream (String, InputStream, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setBigDecimal (String, BigDecimal) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setBinaryStream (String, InputStream, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setBoolean (String, boolean) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setByte (String, byte) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setBytes (String, byte []) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setCharacterStream (String, Reader, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setDate (String, Date) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setDate (String, Date, Calendar) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setDouble (String, double) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setFloat (String, float) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setInt (String, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw "unsupported method" exception.
void setLong (String, long) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setNull (String, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception
void setNull (String, int, String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setObject (String, Object) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setObject (String, Object, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setObject (String, Object, int, int) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setShort (String, short) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setString (String, String) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setTime (String, Time) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setTime (String, Time, Calendar) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setTimestamp (String, Timestamp) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setTimestamp (String, Timestamp, Calendar) 3.0 Yes Supported for the SQL Server driver only. All other drivers throw “unsupported method” exception.
void setURL (String, URL) 3.0 No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
boolean wasNull () 1.0 Yes


Clob Object

Table A-5 Clob Object
Clob Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
InputStream getAsciiStream () 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
Reader getCharacterStream () 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
String getSubString (long, int) 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
long length () 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
long position (Clob, long) 2.0 Core Yes The Informix driver requires that the searchStr parameter be less than or equal to a maximum value of 4096 bytes. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
long position (String, long) 2.0 Core Yes The Informix driver requires that the searchStr parameter be less than or equal to a maximum value of 4096 bytes. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
OutputStream setAsciiStream (long) 3.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
Writer setCharacterStream (long) 3.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
int setString (long, String) 3.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
int setString (long, String, int, int) 3.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.
void truncate (long) 3.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the LONGVARCHAR data type.


Connection Object

Table A-6 Connection Object
Connection Object
Version Introduced Supported Comments
void clearWarnings () 1.0 Yes
void close () 1.0 Yes When a connection is closed while a transaction is still active, that transaction is rolled back.
void commit () 1.0 Yes
Statement createStatement () 1.0 Yes
Statement createStatement (int, int) 2.0 Core Yes ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_
SENSITIVE downgraded to TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE for the DB2 driver.
Statement createStatement (int, int, int) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
boolean getAutoCommit () 1.0 Yes
String getCatalog () 1.0 Yes Supported for all drivers except Oracle, which does not have the concept of a catalog. The Oracle driver returns an empty string.
String getClientInfo () 4.0 Yes
String getClientInfo (String) 4.0 Yes
int getHoldability () 3.0 Yes
DatabaseMetaData getMetaData () 1.0 Yes
int getTransactionIsolation () 1.0 Yes
Map getTypeMap () 2.0 Core Yes Always returns empty java.util.HashMap.
SQLWarning getWarnings () 1.0 Yes
boolean isClosed () 1.0 Yes
boolean isReadOnly () 1.0 Yes
boolean isValid () 4.0 Yes
String nativeSQL (String) 1.0 Yes Always returns same String as passed in.
CallableStatement prepareCall (String) 1.0 Yes
CallableStatement prepareCall (String, int, int) 2.0 Core Yes ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_
SENSITIVE downgraded to TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE for the DB2 driver.
CallableStatement prepareCall (String, int, int, int) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String) 1.0 Yes
PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String, int) 3.0 Yes
PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String, int, int) 2.0 Core Yes ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_
SENSITIVE downgraded to TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE for the DB2 driver.
PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String, int, int, int) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String, int[]) 3.0 Yes Supported for the Oracle and SQL Server drivers. For all other drivers, throws “unsupported method” exception.
PreparedStatement prepareStatement (String, String []) 3.0 Yes Supported for the Oracle and SQL Server drivers. For all other drivers, throws “unsupported method” exception.
void releaseSavepoint (Savepoint) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
void rollback () 1.0 Yes
void rollback (Savepoint) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
void setAutoCommit (boolean) 1.0 Yes
void setCatalog (String) 1.0 Yes Supported for all drivers except Oracle, which does not have the concept of a catalog. The Oracle driver ignores any value set by the catalog parameter.
String setClientInfo (Properties) 4.0 Yes
String setClientInfo (String, String) 4.0 Yes
void setHoldability (int) 3.0 Yes Holdability parameter value is ignored.
void setReadOnly (boolean) 1.0 Yes
Savepoint setSavepoint () 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. In addition, the DB2 driver only supports multiple nested savepoints for DB2 8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows.
Savepoint setSavepoint (String) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. In addition, the DB2 driver only supports multiple nested savepoints for DB2 v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows.
void setTransactionIsolation (int) 1.0 Yes
void setTypeMap (Map) 2.0 Core Yes Ignored.


DatabaseMetaData Object

Table A-7 DababaseMetaData Object
DatabaseMetaData Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
boolean allProceduresAreCallable () 1.0 Yes
boolean allTablesAreSelectable () 1.0 Yes
boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransaction
Commit ()
1.0 Yes
boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions () 1.0 Yes
boolean deletesAreDetected (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs () 1.0 Yes Not supported by the SQL Server and Sybase drivers.
getAttributes (String, String, String, String) 3.0 Yes Empty result set is returned.
ResultSet getAttributes (String, String, String, String) 3.0 No Throws “unsupported method” exception.
ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier (String, String, String, int, boolean) 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getCatalogs () 1.0 Yes
String getCatalogSeparator () 1.0 Yes
String getCatalogTerm () 1.0 Yes
String getClientInfoProperties () 4.0 Yes
ResultSet getColumnPrivileges (String, String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getColumns (String, String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
Connection getConnection () 2.0 Core Yes
ResultSet getCrossReference (String, String, String, String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
int getDatabaseMajorVersion () 3.0 Yes
int getDatabaseMinorVersion () 3.0 Yes
String getDatabaseProductName () 1.0 Yes For Sybase, returns “SQL Server,” which is the string returned internally by the Sybase database server. This value may not be the same return as seen with other JDBC drivers, including the Sybase JConnect JDBC drivers.
String getDatabaseProductVersion () 1.0 Yes
int getDefaultTransactionIsolation () 1.0 Yes
int getDriverMajorVersion () 1.0 Yes
int getDriverMinorVersion () 1.0 Yes
String getDriverName () 1.0 Yes
String getDriverVersion () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getExportedKeys (String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
String getExtraNameCharacters () 1.0 Yes
String getIdentifierQuoteString () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getImportedKeys (String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getIndexInfo (String, String, String, boolean, boolean) 1.0 Yes
int getJDBCMajorVersion () 3.0 Yes
int getJDBCMinorVersion () 3.0 Yes
int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxCatalogNameLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxCharLiteralLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxColumnNameLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxColumnsInIndex () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxColumnsInSelect () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxColumnsInTable () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxConnections () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxCursorNameLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxIndexLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxProcedureNameLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxRowSize () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxSchemaNameLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxStatementLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxStatements () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxTableNameLength () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxTablesInSelect () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxUserNameLength () 1.0 Yes
String getNumericFunctions () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getPrimaryKeys (String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getProcedureColumns (String, String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getProcedures (String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
String getProcedureTerm () 1.0 Yes
int getResultSetHoldability () 3.0 Yes
ResultSet getSchemas () 1.0 Yes
String getSchemaTerm () 1.0 Yes
String getSearchStringEscape () 1.0 Yes
String getSQLKeywords () 1.0 Yes
int getSQLStateType () 3.0 Yes
String getStringFunctions () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getSuperTables (String, String, String) 3.0 Yes Empty result set is returned.
ResultSet getSuperTypes (String, String, String) 3.0 Yes Empty result set is returned.
String getSystemFunctions () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getTablePrivileges (String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getTables (String, String, String, String []) 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getTableTypes () 1.0 Yes
String getTimeDateFunctions () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getTypeInfo () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getUDTs (String, String, String,
int [])
2.0 Core No Always returns empty ResultSet.
String getURL () 1.0 Yes
String getUserName () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet getVersionColumns (String, String, String) 1.0 Yes
boolean insertsAreDetected (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean isCatalogAtStart () 1.0 Yes
boolean isReadOnly () 1.0 Yes
boolean locatorsUpdateCopy () 3.0 Yes
boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull () 1.0 Yes
boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd () 1.0 Yes
boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart () 1.0 Yes
boolean nullsAreSortedHigh () 1.0 Yes
boolean nullsAreSortedLow () 1.0 Yes
boolean othersDeletesAreVisible (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean othersInsertsAreVisible (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean ownDeletesAreVisible (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean ownInsertsAreVisible (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers () 1.0 Yes
boolean storesLowerCaseQuoted
Identifiers ()
1.0 Yes
boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers () 1.0 Yes
boolean storesMixedCaseQuoted
Identifiers ()
1.0 Yes
boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers () 1.0 Yes
boolean storesUpperCaseQuoted
Identifiers ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsAlterTableWith
AddColumn ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsAlterTableWith
DropColumn ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsANSI92Intermediate
SQL ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsBatchUpdates () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean supportsCatalogsInData
Manipulation ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsCatalogsInIndex
Definitions ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilege
Definitions ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedure
Calls ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsCatalogsInTable
Definitions ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsColumnAliasing () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsConvert () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsConvert (int, int) 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndData
ManipulationTransactions ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsDataManipulation
TransactionsOnly ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelation
Name ofs ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsExpressionsIn
OrderBy ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsFullOuterJoins () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys () 3.0 Yes
boolean supportsGroupBy () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancement
Facility ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsMixedCaseQuoted
Identifiers ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults () 3.0 Yes
boolean supportsMultipleResultSets () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsMultipleTransactions () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsNamedParameters () 3.0 Yes
boolean supportsNonNullableColumns () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcross
Commit ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcross
Rollback ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcross
Commit ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcross
Rollback ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsOuterJoins () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsPositionedDelete () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsPositionedUpdate () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency (int, int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean supportsResultSetHoldability (int) 3.0 Yes
boolean supportsResultSetType (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean supportsSavePoints () 3.0 Yes
boolean supportsSchemasInData
Manipulation ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSchemasInIndex
Definitions ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSchemasIn
PrivilegeDefinitions ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSchemasInProcedure
Calls ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSchemasInTable
Definitions ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSelectForUpdate () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsStoredProcedures () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSubqueriesIn
Comparisons ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsSubqueriesIn
Quantifieds ()
1.0 Yes
boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsTransactions () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsUnion () 1.0 Yes
boolean supportsUnionAll () 1.0 Yes
boolean updatesAreDetected (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean usesLocalFilePerTable () 1.0 Yes
boolean usesLocalFiles () 1.0 Yes


Driver Object

Table A-8 Driver Object
Driver Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
boolean acceptsURL (String) 1.0 Yes
Connection connect (String, Properties) 1.0 Yes
int getMajorVersion () 1.0 Yes
int getMinorVersion () 1.0 Yes
DriverPropertyInfo [] getPropertyInfo (String, Properties) 1.0 Yes


ParameterMetaData Object

Table A-9 ParameterMetaData Object
ParameterMetaData Object
Version Introduced Supported Comments
String getParameterClassName (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
int getParameterCount () 3.0 Yes
int getParameterMode (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
int getParameterType (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
String getParameterTypeName (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
int getPrecision (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
int getScale (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
int isNullable (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
boolean isSigned (int) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports parameter metadata for stored procedures for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
boolean jdbcCompliant () 1.0 Yes


PreparedStatement Object

Table A-10 PreparedStatement Object
PreparedStatement Object
Version Introduced Supported Comments
void addBatch () 2.0 Core Yes
void clearParameters () 1.0 Yes
boolean execute () 1.0 Yes
ResultSet executeQuery () 1.0 Yes
int executeUpdate () 1.0 Yes
ResultSetMetaData getMetaData () 2.0 Core Yes
ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData () 3.0 Yes
void setArray (int, Array) 2.0 Core No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
void setAsciiStream (int, InputStream, int) 1.0 Yes
void setBigDecimal (int, BigDecimal) 1.0 Yes
void setBinaryStream (int, InputStream, int) 1.0 Yes When used with Blobs, the DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
void setBlob (int, Blob) 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARBINARY data type.
void setBoolean (int, boolean) 1.0 Yes
void setByte (int, byte) 1.0 Yes
void setBytes (int, byte []) 1.0 Yes When used with Blobs, the DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows,
DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.
void setCharacterStream (int, Reader, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void setClob (int, Clob) 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARCHAR data type.
void setDate (int, Date) 1.0 Yes
void setDate (int, Date, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
void setDouble (int, double) 1.0 Yes
void setFloat (int, float) 1.0 Yes
void setInt (int, int) 1.0 Yes
void setLong (int, long) 1.0 Yes
void setNull (int, int) 1.0 Yes
void setNull (int, int, String) 2.0 Core Yes
void setObject (int, Object) 1.0 Yes
void setObject (int, Object, int) 1.0 Yes
void setObject (int, Object, int, int) 1.0 Yes
void setQueryTimeout (int) 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports setting a timeout value, in seconds, for a statement with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 v8.1 for z/OS. If the execution of the statement exceeds the timeout value, the statement is timed out by the database server, and the driver throws an exception indicating that the statement was timed out. The DB2 driver throws an "unsupported method" exception with other DB2 versions. The Informix driver throws an "unsupported method" exception. The Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase drivers support setting a timeout value, in seconds, for a statement. If the execution of the statement exceeds the timeout value, the statement is timed out by the database server, and the driver throws an exception indicating that the statement was timed out.
void setRef (int, Ref) 2.0 Core No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
void setShort (int, short) 1.0 Yes
void setString (int, String) 1.0 Yes
void setTime (int, Time) 1.0 Yes
void setTime (int, Time, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
void setTimestamp (int, Timestamp) 1.0 Yes
void setTimestamp (int, Timestamp, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
void setUnicodeStream (int, InputStream, int) 1.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception. This method was deprecated in JDBC 2.0.
void setURL (int, URL) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.


Ref Object

Table A-11 Ref Object
Ref Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
(all) 2.0 Core No


ResultSet Object

Table A-12 ResultSet Object
ResultSet Object
Version Introduced Supported Comments
boolean absolute (int) 2.0 Core Yes
void afterLast () 2.0 Core Yes
void beforeFirst () 2.0 Core Yes
void cancelRowUpdates () 2.0 Core Yes
void clearWarnings () 1.0 Yes
void close () 1.0 Yes
void deleteRow () 2.0 Core Yes
int findColumn (String) 1.0 Yes
boolean first () 2.0 Core Yes
Array getArray (int) 2.0 Core No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
Array getArray (String) 2.0 Core No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
InputStream getAsciiStream (int) 1.0 Yes
InputStream getAsciiStream (String) 1.0 Yes
BigDecimal getBigDecimal (int) 2.0 Core Yes
BigDecimal getBigDecimal (int, int) 1.0 Yes
BigDecimal getBigDecimal (String) 2.0 Core Yes
BigDecimal getBigDecimal (String, int) 1.0 Yes
InputStream getBinaryStream (int) 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports for all DB2 versions when retrieving BINARY, VARBINARY, and LONGVARBINARY data. The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries when retrieving BLOB data.
InputStream getBinaryStream (String) 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports for all DB2 versions when retrieving BINARY, VARBINARY, and LONGVARBINARY data. The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries when retrieving BLOB data.
Blob getBlob (int) 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARBINARY data type.
Blob getBlob (String) 2.0 Core Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARBINARY data type.
boolean getBoolean (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean getBoolean (String) 1.0 Yes
byte getByte (int) 1.0 Yes
byte getByte (String) 1.0 Yes
byte [] getBytes (int) 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports for all DB2 versions when retrieving BINARY, VARBINARY, and LONGVARBINARY data. The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries when retrieving BLOB data.
byte [] getBytes (String) 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports for all DB2 versions when retrieving BINARY, VARBINARY, and LONGVARBINARY data. The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries when retrieving BLOB data.
Reader getCharacterStream (int) 2.0 Core Yes
Reader getCharacterStream (String) 2.0 Core Yes
Clob getClob (int) 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARCHAR data type.
Clob getClob (String) 2.0 Core Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARCHAR data type.
int getConcurrency () 2.0 Core Yes
String getCursorName () 1.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
Date getDate (int) 1.0 Yes
Date getDate (int, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
Date getDate (String) 1.0 Yes
Date getDate (String, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
double getDouble (int) 1.0 Yes
double getDouble (String) 1.0 Yes
int getFetchDirection () 2.0 Core Yes
int getFetchSize () 2.0 Core Yes
float getFloat (int) 1.0 Yes
float getFloat (String) 1.0 Yes
int getInt (int) 1.0 Yes
int getInt (String) 1.0 Yes
long getLong (int) 1.0 Yes
long getLong (String) 1.0 Yes
ResultSetMetaData getMetaData () 1.0 Yes
Object getObject (int) 1.0 Yes Returns a Long object when called on DB2 Bigint columns.
Object getObject (int, Map) 2.0 Core Yes
Object getObject (String) 1.0 Yes
Object getObject (String, Map) 2.0 Core Yes Map ignored.
Ref getRef (int) 2.0 Core No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
Ref getRef (String) 2.0 Core No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
int getRow () 2.0 Core Yes
short getShort (int) 1.0 Yes
short getShort (String) 1.0 Yes
Statement getStatement () 2.0 Core Yes
String getString (int) 1.0 Yes
String getString (String) 1.0 Yes
Time getTime (int) 1.0 Yes
Time getTime (int, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
Time getTime (String) 1.0 Yes
Time getTime (String, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
Timestamp getTimestamp (int) 1.0 Yes
Timestamp getTimestamp (int, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
Timestamp getTimestamp (String) 1.0 Yes
Timestamp getTimestamp (String, Calendar) 2.0 Core Yes
int getType () 2.0 Core Yes
InputStream getUnicodeStream (int) 1.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception. This method was deprecated in JDBC 2.0.
InputStream getUnicodeStream (String) 1.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception. This method was deprecated in JDBC 2.0.
URL getURL (int) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
URL getURL (String) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
SQLWarning getWarnings () 1.0 Yes
void insertRow () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean isAfterLast () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean isBeforeFirst () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean isFirst () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean isLast () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean last () 2.0 Core Yes
void moveToCurrentRow () 2.0 Core Yes
void moveToInsertRow () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean next () 1.0 Yes
boolean previous () 2.0 Core Yes
void refreshRow () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean relative (int) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean rowDeleted () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean rowInserted () 2.0 Core Yes
boolean rowUpdated () 2.0 Core Yes
void setFetchDirection (int) 2.0 Core Yes
void setFetchSize (int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateArray (int, Array) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
void updateArray (String, Array) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
void updateAsciiStream (int, InputStream, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateAsciiStream (String, InputStream, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBigDecimal (int, BigDecimal) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBigDecimal (String, BigDecimal) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBinaryStream (int, InputStream, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBinaryStream (String, InputStream, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBlob (int, Blob) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARBINARY data type.
void updateBlob (String, Blob) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries. The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARBINARY data type.
void updateBoolean (int, boolean) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBoolean (String, boolean) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateByte (int, byte) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateByte (String, byte) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBytes (int, byte []) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateBytes (String, byte []) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateCharacterStream (int, Reader, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateCharacterStream (String, Reader, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateClob (int, Clob) 3.0 Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARCHAR data type
void updateClob (String, Clob) 3.0 Yes The SQL Server and Sybase drivers support using with data types that map to the JDBC LONGVARCHAR data type
void updateDate (int, Date) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateDate (String, Date) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateDouble (int, double) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateDouble (String, double) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateFloat (int, float) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateFloat (String, float) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateInt (int, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateInt (String, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateLong (int, long) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateLong (String, long) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateNull (int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateNull (String) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateObject (int, Object) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateObject (int, Object, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateObject (String, Object) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateObject (String, Object, int) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateRef (int, Ref) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
void updateRef (String, Ref) 3.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
void updateRow () 2.0 Core Yes
void updateShort (int, short) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateShort (String, short) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateString (int, String) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateString (String, String) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateTime (int, Time) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateTime (String, Time) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateTimestamp (int, Timestamp) 2.0 Core Yes
void updateTimestamp (String, Timestamp) 2.0 Core Yes
boolean wasNull () 1.0 Yes


ResultSetMetaData Object

Table A-13 ResultSetMetaData Object
ResultSetMetaData Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
String getCatalogName (int) 1.0 Yes
String getColumnClassName (int) 2.0 Core Yes
int getColumnCount () 1.0 Yes
int getColumnDisplaySize (int) 1.0 Yes
String getColumnLabel (int) 1.0 Yes
String getColumnName (int) 1.0 Yes
int getColumnType (int) 1.0 Yes
String getColumnTypeName (int) 1.0 Yes
int getPrecision (int) 1.0 Yes
int getScale (int) 1.0 Yes
String getSchemaName (int) 1.0 Yes
String getTableName of (int) 1.0 Yes For versions 3.4 and higher:

  • By default, getTableName returns an empty string for the Oracle, Informix, and SQL Server Type 4 drivers.

  • To return a table name for the Oracle, Informix, and SQL Server Type 4 drivers, add the following property to the connection pool Properties field:
ResultsetMetaDataOptions=1 See “ JDBC Data Source: Configuration: Connection Pool” .
boolean isAutoIncrement (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean isCaseSensitive (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean isCurrency (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean isDefinitelyWritable (int) 1.0 Yes
int isNullable (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean isReadOnly (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean isSearchable (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean isSigned (int) 1.0 Yes
boolean isWritable (int) 1.0 Yes


SavePoint Object

Table A-14 SavePoint Object
SavePoint Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
(all) 3.0 Yes The DB2 driver only supports with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows, DB2 for z/OS, and DB2 V5R2 and higher for iSeries.


Statement Object

Table A-15 Statement Object
Statement Object
Version Introduced Supported Comments
void addBatch (String) 2.0 Core Yes Throws “invalid method call” exception for PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.
void cancel () 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver cancels the execution of the statement with DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 v8.1 for z/OS. If the statement is cancelled by the database server, the driver throws an exception indicating that it was cancelled. The DB2 driver throws an "unsupported method" exception with other DB2 versions. The Informix driver throws an "unsupported method" exception. The Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase drivers cancel the execution of the statement. If the statement is cancelled by the database server, the driver throws an exception indicating that it was cancelled.
void clearBatch () 2.0 Core Yes
void clearWarnings () 1.0 Yes
void close () 1.0 Yes
boolean execute (String) 1.0 Yes Throws "invalid method call" exception for PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.
boolean execute (String, int) 3.0 Yes
boolean execute (String, int []) 3.0 Yes Supported for the Oracle and SQL Server drivers. For all other drivers, throws "unsupported method" exception.
boolean execute (String, String []) 3.0 Yes Supported for the Oracle and SQL Server drivers. For all other drivers, throws "unsupported method" exception.
int [] executeBatch () 2.0 Core Yes
ResultSet executeQuery (String) 1.0 Yes Throws "invalid method call" exception for PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.
int executeUpdate (String) 1.0 Yes Throws "invalid method call" exception for PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.
int executeUpdate (String, int) 3.0 Yes
int executeUpdate (String, int []) 3.0 Yes Supported for the Oracle and SQL Server drivers. For all other drivers, throws "unsupported method" exception.
int executeUpdate (String, String []) 3.0 Yes Supported for the Oracle and SQL Server drivers. For all other drivers, throws "unsupported method" exception.
Connection getConnection () 2.0 Core Yes
int getFetchDirection () 2.0 Core Yes
int getFetchSize () 2.0 Core Yes
ResultSet getGeneratedKeys () 3.0 Yes The DB2, SQL Server, and Sybase drivers return the last value inserted into an identity column. If an identity column does not exist in the table, the drivers return an empty result set. The Informix driver returns the last value inserted into a Serial or Serial8 column. If a Serial or Serial8 column does not exist in the table, the driver returns an empty result set. The Oracle driver returns the ROWID of the last row inserted.
int getMaxFieldSize () 1.0 Yes
int getMaxRows () 1.0 Yes
boolean getMoreResults () 1.0 Yes
boolean getMoreResults (int) 3.0 Yes
int getQueryTimeout () 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver returns the timeout value, in seconds, set for the statement with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 v8.1 for z/OS. The DB2 driver returns 0 with other DB2 versions. The Informix driver returns 0. The Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase drivers return the timeout value, in seconds, set for the statement.
ResultSet getResultSet () 1.0 Yes
int getResultSetConcurrency () 2.0 Core Yes
int getResultSetHoldability () 3.0 Yes
int getResultSetType () 2.0 Core Yes
int getUpdateCount () 1.0 Yes
SQLWarning getWarnings () 1.0 Yes
void setCursorName (String) 1.0 No Throws "unsupported method" exception.
void setEscapeProcessing (boolean) 1.0 Yes Ignored.
void setFetchDirection (int) 2.0 Core Yes
void setFetchSize (int) 2.0 Core Yes
void setMaxFieldSize (int) 1.0 Yes
void setMaxRows (int) 1.0 Yes
void setQueryTimeout (int) 1.0 Yes The DB2 driver supports setting a timeout value, in seconds, for a statement with DB2 v8.x and higher for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 v8.1 for z/OS. If the execution of the statement exceeds the timeout value, the statement is timed out by the database server, and the driver throws an exception indicating that the statement was timed out. The DB2 driver throws an "unsupported method" exception with other DB2 versions. The Informix driver throws an "unsupported method" exception. The Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase driver supports setting a timeout value, in seconds, for a statement. If the execution of the statement exceeds the timeout value, the statement is timed out by the database server, and the driver throws an exception indicating that the statement was timed out.


Struct Object

Table A-16 Struct Object
Statement Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
(all) 2.0 No


XAConnection Object

Table A-17 XAConnection Object
XAConnection Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
(all) 2.0 Optional Yes Supported for all drivers, except for DB2 v7.x for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 v7.x and v8.1 for z/OS.


XADataSource Object

Table A-18 XADataSource Object
XADataSource Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
(all) 2.0 Optional Yes Supported for all drivers, except for DB2 v7.x for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 v7.x and v8.1for z/OS.


XAResource Object

Table A-19 XAResource Object
XAResource Object Methods Version Introduced Supported Comments
(all) 2.0 Optional Yes Supported for all drivers, except for DB2 v7.x for Linux/UNIX/Windows and DB2 v7.x and v8.1 for z/OS.