Creating Templates By Using the Domain Template Builder



Overview of the Domain Template Builder

About Domain and Extension Templates

Overview of Creating Domain Templates by Using the Domain Template Builder

Overview of Creating Extension Templates by Using the Domain Template Builder

Additional Tools for Creating Templates

Starting the Domain Template Builder

Creating Domain Templates by Using the Domain Template Builder

Create a New Template

Select a Template Domain Source

Describe the Template

Add or Omit Applications

Add Files

Add SQL Scripts

Configure the Administration Server

Configure Administrator Username and Password

Configure Users, Groups, and Global Roles

Assign Users to Groups

Assign Groups to Groups

Assign Users and Groups to Global Roles

Specify Start Menu Entries

Prepare Scripts and Files with Replacement Variables


Replacement Variable Definitions

Review the Domain Template

Create a Template

Creating Extension Templates by Using the Domain Template Builder

Create a New Template

Select a Template Domain Source

Describe the Template

Add or Omit Applications

Add Files

Add SQL Scripts

Configuring Security Options

Prepare Scripts and Files

Review the Extension Template Settings

Create Your Extension Template

How Do I . . . ?

How Do I Create a Custom Domain Template?

How Do I Create a Custom Extension Template?

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