IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse range partitioning > Specify range partitioned tables for the Warehouse Proxy Agent

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Configuration parameters

There are two parameters that must be set in the Warehouse Proxy Agent environment file.


Controls whether partitioning is enabled (Y) or disabled (N). When disabled, non-partitioned tables and non-partitioned indices are created and the old pruning behavior is in effect. When enabled, partitioned tables and partitioned indices are created (if supported by the database), and partitions are maintained. The default setting is N.


Number of partitions to maintain after the current date. This allows for an outage to occur and not cause disruption on the monitoring system, permitting agents to upload their collected historical data. Minimum value of 1, maximum value of 10. The default setting is 10.

If there are multiple Warehouse Proxy Agents in the Tivoli Monitoring environment you must configure each of them. Use the same partitioning values for all of the Warehouse Proxy Agents. For the KHD_DEFAULT_TABLE_CONTAINER and KHD_DEFAULT_INDEX_CONTAINER, see Environment variables in Specify where tables and indices are created.

After the variables in the Warehouse Proxy Agent are set, run the Warehouse Proxy Agent. Schedule the Summarization and Pruning Agent to run at least every day, since only the Summarization and Pruning Agent manages the addition to, and deletion of (or rotation of), partitions from a table. See Specify range partitioned tables for the Summarization and Pruning Agent to understand how the Summarization and Pruning Agent manages the partitions created by the Warehouse Proxy Agent and the partitions created by the Summarization and Pruning Agent. New detailed partitioned tables are created when the Warehouse Proxy Agent processes exports for an attribute group for the first time.

Errors are reported via the appropriate Tivoli Data Warehouse agent and available for situation processing and workspaces.

Parent topic:

Specify range partitioned tables for the Warehouse Proxy Agent


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