IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using Oracle

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Step 2: Install and configure communications for the Warehouse Proxy Agent

You can install one or more Warehouse Proxy Agents to collect and send historical data to the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.

Complete the tasks described in the following table, in the order listed, to install and configure each Warehouse Proxy Agent.

Tasks for installing and configuring communications for the Warehouse Proxy Agent

Task Procedure
Install one or more Warehouse Proxy Agents. To install a Summarization and Pruning Agent on the same computer as one of the Warehouse Proxy Agents, use the referenced procedures to install both agents at the same time.

If you are installing the Warehouse Proxy agent on a 64-bit Windows system, you should install the 64-bit version of the agent so that you do not have to execute special steps to create a 32-bit version of an ODBC data source for the Tivoli Warehouse database.

If you are installing more than one Warehouse Proxy Agent, each agent must be installed on a separate computer.

The installation procedure for Windows includes steps for configuring the connection between the agent and the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring server. On Linux or AIX, this step is performed in a separate configuration procedure (Configuring the monitoring agent). See the information at right. Be sure to perform all referenced installation and configuration procedures.

Note for sites setting up autonomous operation: The installation procedure includes steps for configuring the connection between the agent and the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. On Windows operating systems, if you want to run the Warehouse Proxy Agent without a connection to the hub, accept the defaults for the connection information, but specify a nonvalid name for the monitoring server. On UNIX and Linux operating systems, check No TEMS on the TEMS Connection tab of the configuration window.

To install a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Windows, complete the procedure Windows: Installing a monitoring agent.

To install a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Linux or AIX, complete the procedure Linux or UNIX: Installing a monitoring agent, including the following subsections:

  • Install the monitoring agent

  • Configure the monitoring agent

  • Change the file permissions for agents (if you used a non-root user to install the Warehouse Proxy)

Do not complete the procedure for starting the agent.

(Warehouse Proxy Agent on Windows only)

  • Install an Oracle client on the computer where the Warehouse Proxy Agent is installed if both of the following statements are true:

    • The Warehouse Proxy is installed on Windows, and

    • The Warehouse Proxy needs to connect to a remote data warehouse.

  • Ensure that the latest Oracle patches are installed.

  • Set the following system variable on the computer where the Warehouse Proxy Agent is installed. Restart the computer after setting the variable. The format of the NLS_LANG environment variable is:


    Set the language and territory to appropriate variables. For the United States this is NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8.

Perform the last two tasks whether or not the warehouse database is local or remote.

See the Oracle documentation for instructions on how to install an Oracle client.

Obtain Oracle ODBC drivers.

(Warehouse Proxy Agent on Windows only)

If the Tivoli Data Warehouse is located on a remote computer, create a TNS (Transparent Network Substrate) Service Name on the local computer where the Warehouse Proxy Agent is located.

Create a TNS Service Name
(Warehouse Proxy Agent on Windows only)

On the computer where the Warehouse Proxy Agent is installed, configure an ODBC data source for the data warehouse, using the TNS Service Name that you created in the preceding step.

Perform this procedure whether or not the Warehouse Proxy Agent and the warehouse database are installed on the same computer.

Configure an ODBC data source for an Oracle data warehouse
(Warehouse Proxy Agent on Linux or AIX only)

Install an Oracle Type 4 JDBC driver on the computer where the Warehouse Proxy Agent is installed.

Obtain the Oracle JDBC Driver.

The Oracle JDBC driver JAR file name and location after installation is as follows:


The ojdbc14.jar file supports JRE 1.5 or higher, the required Java Runtime Environment for IBM Tivoli Monitoring.

Configure the Warehouse Proxy Agent to connect to the data warehouse.

Perform this procedure whether or not the Warehouse Proxy Agent and the warehouse database are installed on the same computer.

For a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Windows, see Configure a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Windows (ODBC connection).

For a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Linux or AIX, see Configure a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Linux or UNIX (JDBC connection).

If you are installing more than one Warehouse Proxy Agent within the same hub monitoring server installation, associate each Warehouse Proxy Agent with a subset of monitoring servers (hub or remote) within the installation. Each Warehouse Proxy Agent receives data from the monitoring agents that report to the monitoring servers on the list. Use the environment variable KHD_WAREHOUSE_TEMS_LIST to specify a list of monitoring servers to associate with a Warehouse Proxy Agent. For instructions about installing and configuring multiple Warehouse Proxy Agents within a single hub monitoring server installation, see Install multiple Warehouse Proxy Agents.
(Optional) Customize the configuration of the Warehouse Proxy Agent for tuning performance. Tuning the performance of the Warehouse Proxy
Start the Warehouse Proxy Agent. Start the Warehouse Proxy

Parent topic:

Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using Oracle


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